Chapter 6 ✧

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Chapter 6

"Um, Mark, I don't think-"

"Shush, Wendy." Mark hissed, looking at me from behind him. "Stay quiet and don't move a muscle."



I stayed quiet at that and instead just peeked through the small spaces in between the boys, them being lined up like they were cadets in military training.

I didn't understand why they were so nervous, and why I had to hide from whoever's coming. Was this some kind of "boys only, no girls allowed" thing?

Besides, who exactly were they afraid of?

"He's here." I heard one of them say and they all straightened up even more.

"Dammit, this is just like that time." What time?

"Well, at least we didn't shoot her this time." What?!

"Who cares, it doesn't change the fact that he's going to kill us."

And they all stayed silent at that.

It was nervewracking, like we were all waiting for our execution, yet I can't help but feel somewhat excited for some reason.

This guy is their "leader". The one who brought them here. I wonder what kind of person he is. I tried to sneak a peek again, only to fail. Damn, they might as well superglue their bodies together.

The sound of crisp leaves crunching brought me out of my thoughts and I saw all the boys become tense.

He's here.

"Wow. Well, this certainly brings me back."

The sound of his voice instantly paralyzed me. Though it was deeper, hearing it gave me that very same feeling of being unable to resist listening to him. It couldn't be...

"Peter!" Despite their stiffened postures, it was evident that they were all very happy to see whoever came. I took the opportunity to take a look at the new arrival while they were a bit relaxed.

And it suddenly felt like I forgot how to breathe.

For a moment I was looking at the boy who haunted my dreams, but the longer I looked, he transitioned to the young man who was actually standing there. He had that very same mischievous smile and the same unruly hair, the color reminding me of the sun shining through a glass of whiskey. He was tall, and had a slightly muscular physique, and was, well, grown up. 

"How about telling me about what's going on with your lives?" And all of them started talking excitedly once more, catching up on what they missed with each other's lives. The boys never broke their formation, and my eyes never strayed from the newcomer.

His name is Peter...

My heart was beating really fast just by the mere thought of this guy's name. It's crazy but I can't help but feel like I have to talk to him, to know more about to him, to just simply be with him.

"And Mark, um, I've been meaning to ask but..." I listened as he began to speak with my cousin, curious as to what he was going to say.

He had an uncomfortable expression on his face as he tried to finish his question. "How is she doing?"


I heard Mark inhale sharply, like he was dreading the question.

"She's... fine."

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