Chapter 2 ✧

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Chapter 2

It was during lunch time at school that I had another one of those strange dreams.

"Where am I?" I asked, looking at John, Michael, and 7 other boys. Among the 7 was the unnamed boy I've always been dreaming about.

"Wendy lady," One of the boys said rapidly, "for you we built this house."

The boy looked extremely familiar. He had ruffled brown hair, and chocolate eyes, along with a dirty face, as though he had been playing on the ground for a long time.

But what got me was his grin, a rather mischievous grin that I had seen way too many times in the past 4 years of my life. The way his eyes would also twinkle in that same mischief, telling me something yet at the same time not telling me anything. Without a doubt, this boy looked exactly like Mark.


I jolted up from my seat to find the said person staring at me inquisitively, as if he was trying to find out what I was thinking by just looking at me.

"Wendy, what were you daydreaming about?" He asked me, as I just returned his gaze with wide eyes.

"Nothing!" I replied with a voice too high, immediately giving away that I was nowhere near to telling the truth. I cleared my throat in hopes to return my voice to its normal octave. "It's nothing, Slightly."

When Mark dropped the sandwich he was eating, it sunk into my mind what I had just said. I mentally slapped myself. Idiot!

"What did you just say, Wendy?!" I winced as he gripped me on the arms a little too tightly, but he looked at me with so much fear in his eyes that the physical pain felt like nothing compared to the look in his eyes.

"I-I just said it's nothing s-slightly relevant to be w-worried about." I managed to force out, although I was stuttering a bit due to my nervousness. Mark just looked at me in suspicion, not completely believing my words, so I decided on a different tactic. "Um, ow. Mark, you're kind of hurting me here."

That snapped him out of his thoughts. Mark instantly released me from his hold, muttering a curse under his breath before looking at me in shame.

"I'm so sorry Wendy, I didn't- does it hurt? Did I injure you? Are you-"

"It's fine, Mark." I cut him off with an uneasy smile as I rubbed my arms. "You just cut off the circulation in my arms. Nothing serious. Nothing to die from."

By the way he looked at me, I knew he didn't believe me. I was a terrible liar, and he knew that. He looked at me as if he wanted to say something more, but the sound of the bell ringing hindered him from doing so.

Saved by the bell. I thought to myself as I mentally breathed a sigh of relief. I then turned to Mark with a forced smile. "Well, that's the bell! Gotta go to my next class!"

He gave me a confused look. "But Wendy, we have the same-"

I didn't give him a chance to finish his sentence for I shot out of my seat and bolted out of the cafeteria.

You're not the only one who could dodge a subject, Mark. I thought bitterly as I entered the classroom and took a seat by the front row.

In an attempt to avoid him, I took out my book and started reading the chapter for our lesson today even though I've probably already read and studied about it last week.

To be honest, I have no social life. Ever since I had the amnesia, I always kept to myself. Mark was my only friend here at school because I never bothered to make any more. Though at times I felt guilty that someone as popular as Mark had to stick around with me, Wendy, anti-social extraordinaire.

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