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The next day I'm at my locker getting my books out for biology when I noticed a note fall out of my locker. It was from Antwon and it read: I wanted to write you a poem but I'm not much of a poet but I also wanted you to know I have a surprise for you today after school. Meet me by the first floor gym room.

"What's that?" Alice asked looking over my shoulder at the note.

I showed her the note "I found it in my locker this morning. I think it's from Antwon"

"Well no duh it's from Antwon. It clearly says from Ant right there in your face."

I snatched the not jokingly "Don't you have a class to go to?"

"You mean don't WE have a class to go to?"

"I got to get some things out my locker first. I'll meet you there."

"Yea okay". Alice walks off as I put the note in my locker. I wonder what the surprise is. Antwon is so sweet... he's actually sweeter than Montreal. My phone flashes it's light to show me I had a text. Spoke the devil up! Montreal just sent a Goodmorning text. I know it sounds sweet but I got use to him acting like he's a good boyfriend after every single fight. I replied back Good morning and put my phone in my locker and went to class. 

This secret is burning because I want to tell Alice but I can't. I already know she's going to make me choose between Montreal and Antwon and I know she prefers Antwon. But Montreal is my first love and that's something hard to let go of and Antwon is so sweet and I want to see this surprise he got for me. My thoughts shift to the surprise as I think about what could he possibly give me so early in our relationship.

Finally the bell rings and I grab my stuff and head straight to my locker so I can put up this work and make sure I look cute. After applying make up for about 20 min I close my locker and rushed down stairs. Turning the corner I started to slow down so I don't seem to thirsty. As I walked closer to the gym I noticed Antwon Smiling at me.

"So what's this surprise?" I asked looking at Antwon hands. Antwon pulls out a box and opened it. OMG it was the most beautiful necklace I've ever seen. I can tell it was real and really expensive. "Antwon you shouldn't have... I... I mean this must have been so expensive"

"Don't worry about how much it cost" he picked up the necklace and wrapped it around my neck. "You look beautiful"

I looked at the beautiful, probably over $1000, necklace. Montreal never bought anything over $20. Even on our anniversary he gave me a bracelet that was once his sister's and it was missing parts to it. "I love it Ant" my phone vibrated in my pocket. Spoke the devil up again!

"Hello" I answered

"Hey bae, I want to see you. Come over my crib today."

"Yea okay. I'm on my way" *click*

"I gotta go Ant. Thanks again for the necklace."

"Wait Von, can I see you this weekend?"

I smiled, "Definitely" I walked off thinking about the necklace and how much did it cost? Or how could he afford this? Do he sell drugs?

I walked up to Montreal house and noticed he was on the porch. "Took you long enough to get here"

I rolled my eyes "I just left school. You know how far away it is."

"That's a cute necklace. Where you get it?"

"A friend got it for me"

"What friend? You ain't got no friends besides your little girlfriend Alice."

"Is this why you wanted me to come over?

"No I have a surprise for you. Come inside."

Another surprise? Well we are talking about Montreal though. His surprises are things like a barbie doll. I followed behind him with my hopes lower than the ground.

He turned around to face me "You have to cover your eyes."

I put my hands over my eyes and wasn't able to see anything. "Don't make me fall."

He laughed. "I won't. Just continue to follow my voice."

We continued to walk until he said stop. He grabbed my hands and took them down slowly. He moved from in front of me and I saw the biggest and coolest basement studio.

He grabbed my hand "You remember how we use to talk about making mixtapes together. You said you'll sing the chorus and I'll rap the verses. Something like jay and beyoncé." I couldn't believe he remembered that. I said that so long ago. "I did this for us Lavonne."

I looked around "How... how could you afford all of this?"

He let go of my hand and sighed "My mom gave me the money. I know it sounds lame but.."

"It's not lame, it's actually beautiful." I said grabbing his hand but still looking at the studio.

He looked at me and said "No, your beautiful." I looked at him and saw in his eyes that, despite his gangsta act, Montreal is really sweet. Then I looked at his lips and lord knows I want to kiss them. I guess he felt the same because he then lifted up face and kissed me. And it wasn't no "I want to fuck" kiss, it was more of a "I love you" kiss.

I left Montreal's place and went home. I took a shower and got in my Pj's. I was too tired to even think about going out and I had too much on my mind. So I just laid in my bed and touched the beautiful necklace around my neck but also thought about the kiss I shared with Montreal. Ant is so sweet and I don't want to cheat on him but I love Montreal too much to call things off. It was time I made a decision. At the same time I received two text:

first one from Montreal: I miss you already bae.

Second from Ant: Can you come over my house tomorrow for dinner? Want you to see my parents.

See his parents? First the necklace then his parents. Antwon is moving a little too fast. Next thing you know he's asking me to prom, then to marry him, then to move to Alaska together. I don't want to go to Alaska! I can't turn down free dinner though so I asked him to send me the information and I will see him tomorrow.

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