Chapter 6 - As they say Kayla's a b*tch

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Hey guys here is a quick authors note saying I AM SO SORRY I HAVENT UPDATED IN SEVERAL MONTHS! I am really sorry I haven't updated this story in ages!! Even thought I haven't got 50 votes yet, I felt bad for not updating so I did now :) .

Hope you like it! xx













I looked up and saw I had just accidentally smashed my alarm clock. Woops.

Ugh! No! It's Monday! I hate Mondays.

I got up slowly out of my cozy bed and looked at myself in the mirror.

I nearly screamed.

I looked like a monster from and unknown planet.

I quickly went to my bathroom and brushed my hair down.

Next I went to my closet and picked some comfy clothes; ankle length leggings, a t-shirt with a tiger on it and converse.

I suddenly remembered the date with Liam yesterday!

Shoot! What's Kayla's going to say to me??

'Who cares what she says' my mind says to me.

Yeah, I guess. I say to myself.

I walk downstairs and quickly have breakfast.

"Good morning honey!" my mum says cheerfully. How can she be cheerful on a Monday? Oh wait, that's because she has a cool job and I have to go to freaking school.

"Good morning" i reply.


I meet Hayley and Jason in the parking lot at school. They run over to me and hug me.

"Hey Ame!" they both said.

"Hey guys" I said smiling.

I could see in Hayley's eye that she was going to bombard me with questions about yesterday.

"So what happened yesterday??" she said excitedly smiling wide.

"It was actually nice" I said smiling remembering how he held my hand.

"And...?" She said wanting to know more.

"We had a picnic, he made all the food. It was yum"

"Wait, yum him or yum the food?" Hayley said smirking.

"The food!!" I said blushing.

"Okay well I'm just gonna go now cause the bell is about to go" Jason suddenly said.

"Ahaha ok Jason, see ya later" me and Hayley said.

Jason walked off.

"And then we went walking around the park....and he....held my hand.." I said shyly continuing the conversation.

"Really!?!?" Hayley said jumping up and down.

"Yes really" I said laughing at her.

"Dayum you're on fire gurl" she said smacking my arm playfully.

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