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the hand of the clock struck three o'clock, resulting in the sound of the bell. eileen lankman stuffed her books into her backpack in a rush.

everyone in her class sped out of the room, eager to start their summers.

eileen walked towards the door of her classroom.
"have a great summer, missus anderson!" eileen waved to her teacher.

"you too, eileen! tell your parents i said hello!" the teacher said, dismissing her.

eileen walked out of the classroom, merging into the swarm of students that were trying to leave as soon as humanly possible.

the brunette thirteen year old made her way outside of the school. she saw students clustered around the school trashcans, dumping their notebooks and textbooks.

eileen's eyes traveled over to one trashcan in particular, where she saw a group of boys that were in her english class that year.

bill denbrough, eddie kaspbrak, richie tozier, and stanley uris stood all stood by the trashcan, deep in conversation.

stanley's eyes glanced up towards eileen. he reached his hand up, giving a slight wave. eileen grinned, waving back at the boy.

she walked down the steps of the school, but stopped in her tracks when patrick hockstetter stepped in front of her.

"hey eileen." patrick smirked at eileen. she looked back up at him with wide eyes. eileen hated patrick's efforts to try and flirt with her.

not only was it awkward, but it made her skin crawl given how he treated others so rudely.

"um hi patrick." eileen said, shortly, pushing past him. she felt herself being pulled back by her backpack.

"what are you doing this summer, lankman?" patrick asked.
"let me go, patrick." eileen said meekly.

"you didn't answer my question. that's kinda rude, y'know." patrick said. eileen could feel her face grow hot as she was placed in a difficult situation.

"jesus fucking christ, patrick. leave the poor girl alone. let's go get those losers before they try and run away." henry bowers stated, causing patrick to let go of eileen's backpack.

eileen hated henry bowers and everyone in his gang, but she was secretly thankful for him in that moment. the second patrick let go of eileen's backpack, the thirteen year old scurried away from the school grounds as fast as she could in hope of getting rid of patrick hockstetter.

i love It and i love the losers club more than i love anything.

eileen » it2017Where stories live. Discover now