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eileen sat in the synagogue next to richie and his family. she looked to her own parents, seeing that her dad was becoming bored with the event. she directed her eyes back to stanley, whom was still reading from his torah.

he was starting to become nervous, and eileen could tell. he glanced up and scanned the crowd until he found eileen.

once he did, she encouraged him to take a deep breath. he did so and completed his torah reading.


stanley walked eileen to her house as he saw his family unloading their car with gifts.

"thank you." stanley stated.
"for what?" eileen questioned, looking at stanley.

"for calming me down. i was really nervous up there." stanley said.

diane and wallace lankman stood on their porch, watching as their daughter talked to the boy from down the street.
"remember when we were that young?" diane questioned.

"of course i do. your parents hated me. i don't know why though." wallace looked at his wife.

"do you think they'll end up like us?" diane asked, leaning against her husband.
"what do you mean?" wallace asked.

"do you think they'll grow up and get married?" diane looked at wallace. he shook his head.
"i'm not going to let my daughter marry some jew." he responded.

"wall!" diane gasped, lightly hitting his arm.
"i'm joking, diane! she can marry who she wants." wallace responded.

the lankmans looked back towards their daughter and stanley.

"i think i really like you, eileen." stanley commented. she smiled at him and nodded.
"i really like you too, stanley." she said.

"stanley, come on!" his dad yelled from down the street. stanley looked at eileen and before either of their brains could process it, he pressed his lips against hers.

eileen's smile only grew. then stanley began walking to his house.
"goodnight, eileen." stan called out.

"mazel tov, stan the man!" she called out back, walking up to her porch.

eileen » it2017Where stories live. Discover now