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"you're going to miss me." eileen grinned at stanley as her father packed her suitcases in the trunk. stan shook his head, grabbing a hold of eileen's hand.

"nope, you're gonna to miss me more. i hope you don't, y'know, forget about me." stanley looked into eileen's blue eyes.

the thirteen year old girl was being enrolled to a summer camp in south carolina for her last few weeks of summer. her parents believed that she could use a change of scenery away from derry's town square and the town arcade.

"are you kidding? stan, i could never forget about you! after everything, i co-i would never." eileen shook her head. stanley's lips curled into a smile as he pulled eileen into a warm hug.

eileen wrapped her arms around stan's middle, never wanting to leave his embrace. she didn't want to leave him in a time where he was still shaken up from everything.

"i'm sorry about everything. the house, making you go in. i'm sorry stan. i-i just....i wish i could take it all back." she confessed into his ear.

stanley pulled away from her, resting his hands upon her cheeks. stanley's eyes bored into her's before he began to speak.
"eileen, none of it was your fault. you can't change the past and you can't change what happened to me, so stop trying to spend your life apologizing." stanley insisted.

eileen sighed and nodded, trying to forgive herself.

"eileen, ten more minutes." missus lankman announced as she got into the family car. eileen nodded and glanced from her mother back to stan.

"i'll miss you, stan the man." eileen whispered.
"i'll miss you too, eileen," stan smiled, pressing his lips to eileen's cheek. his watch began to beep and he glanced down at it. "oh no, i gotta run. i'll see you later. have fun!" stan smiled as he began to rush away from the lankman residence.

eileen grinned as she watched stan run off towards his home. the thirteen year old walked over to the car, pulling on the door's handle.

"eileen?" she heard. eileen's eyebrows furrowed as she gazed up, only to see richie tozier standing in front of her.

the young girl went to her mother's car door, hoping to get a couple of minutes to say goodbye to richie.
"ten more minutes, mom." eileen stated before walking over to the young tozier boy.

"what's up, rich?" eileen asked, folding her arms over her chest.

richie's heart was beating about a mile a minute as he began his goodbyes to his longtime crush.

"i talked to eddie and he told me that you were leaving for summer camp. i thought, well i thought that i was too late and then i-i saw you here." richie fumbled over his words.

eileen's eyebrows stitched together in confusion as she watched the comedic genius and overly confident richie tozier fumble over his words.

"richie, are you okay?" she asked delicately, placing her hand on his arm. richie inhaled a deep breath before letting all of his words fall right out of his mouth.

"eileen, i've liked you since the second grade and...and i can't keep it in any longer so i saw this as the perfect opportunity t-to tell you and i just did. it doesn't matter if you don't like me back because i don't care about, you know, shit like that. i would rather have you as my friend than to lose you over this—this stupid crush and i just—yeah. maybe...write me over the summer, okay?" richie confessed.

eileen had to take a step back from all of the information that was thrown at her. richie tozier liked her. she had a feeling that he did, but hearing him confess it was a totally different thing.

she knew that she liked stan, but did she like richie? did she? she liked that he was funny and that he was one of the people that could make any awkward situation unawkward with his poorly timed comments.

her blue eyes looked into richie's brown ones and she only had one response in her head.
"i'll write you, rich. i'll send you letters from camp, okay?" she nodded.

a goofy, smitten grin found its way onto richie's face as he nodded.
"all right." he responded.

eileen then pulled richie into a hug, feeling him tense up before relaxing and wrapping his arms back around her.
"have the best summer, richie." she whispered.

as the lankman girl pulled out of the hug, she ran over to the car and got in. as the blue car pulled away, richie stared off, completely besotted with eileen lankman.

"god i love her." he whispered under his breath.

the end!

this part foreshadowed a lot of things that's
to come! i will be publishing a mini story that's
a filler in between this and the story for it: chapter 2
it's called solstice and is up now!

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