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the kids stopped in front of the house, seeing bill go up the steps of the neibolt house.
"bill! you can't go in there! that's insanse!" eddie yelled out.

bill turned back to his friends.
"you don't have to come with me. but what happens if another georgie goes missing? or another betty ripsom? or another ed corcoran? or even one of us? i go home and the only thing that i see is that georgie isn't there. only his clothes, his toys, and his stupid stuffed animals, but he isn't. so going into this house is easier than going into my own." bill said.

he turned his back to walk into the house.
"wow." richie commented.
"what?" beverly asked.

"he didn't stutter once." richie stated.
"wait!" stanley yelled out.

the kids looked back at him.
"shouldn't someone stay out here? to" stanley asked.

"all right who wants to stay out here?" everyone except beverly raised their hand.

"fuuuuck." richie whispered.


eileen sat on the steps of the neibolt house, still not talking.
"eileen?" stanley questioned. she ignored him.
"eileen, are you okay?" stanley asked.

she looked up at him, slightly glaring.
"no i'm not okay, stan! who would be okay after that?!" she snapped.

he sighed and sat next to her.
"i'm sorry that we dragged you into this. i dragged you into this." stanley commented.

part of eileen wished that she had never got involved with them, but the other part of her was lucky that she became closer to stan because of it.

mike, stan, and eileen heard yelling, causing them to run in.
"holy shit!" eileen yelled as pennywise looked at bill.

"was i not real enough for you? it was enough for georgie." pennywise taunted. eileen's eyes traveled over to eddie, who was holding his broken arm.

pennywise stepped towards bill, but beverly impaled him through his eye. pennywise turned around, towering over the teens. eddie stared up in fear, but richie grasped his face, making eddie look at him.

the clown swung his head, slashing ben across the stomach.
"ben!" the losers exclaimed.

eileen's eyes widened at the sight of ben's slashed stomach. she bent over, throwing up immediately. eileen held her stomach as she threw up.

pennywise retreated away.
richie looked down at eddie.

"okay, i'm going to snap the bone back into place!" richie yelled.

"no! do not fucking touch me!" eddie yelled out in response. stanley walked over towards eileen, who was recovering from vomiting.

he frowned as he looked at the girl that he loved, toppled over, sick.


eileen sat on the sidewalk as she observed mrs kaspbrak yell at the kids.

she dropped her keys, and beverly went to help her.
"i've got it!" mrs. k yelled.

she swiped up her keys, and then looked at beverly.
"oh i've heard of you, miss marsh and i don't want a dirty girl like you touching my son." she scowled.

eileen scoffed, rolling her eyes.
soon, mrs. kaspbrak drove away with eddie in her car.

the kids stood in the street, watching her car drive off. eileen stood from the sidewalk, standing with her friends.

"now we know where It lives and we'll be prepared next time." bill commented.
eileen stared up at him in disbelief.

"next time?!" eileen snapped.
"no, bill! no next time!" stanley yelled.

"you're crazy." richie shook his head.
"we all know that no else is going to do anything!" bill responded.

"it almost killed eddie and look at this motherfucker! he's leaking hamburger helper!" richie yelled, pointing to ben.

"well you said it yourself, it comes back every twenty-seven years!" beverly stated.
"i'll be forty and far away from here! you said that you want to get away from here too." ben scoffed.

"i want to be running towards something, not away." beverly said. eileen rolled her eyes. she wasn't sure how much of this she could handle.

"who invited molly ringwald into the group anyways?" richie asked, referring to beverly. beverly stuck her middle finger up at richie.

"richie." bill commented.
"i'm just facing facts. listen, georgie is dead and i don't want to end up dead like him." richie commented.

eileen raised an eyebrow. part of her did believe that georgie denbrough was dead, but she didn't know for sure.
"georgie's not dead." bill shook his head.

the kids watched the altercation happen.
"you couldn't save georgie, but you can still save yourself." richie added.

"no, t-t-take it back!" bill exclaimed, getting closer to richie.

before eileen knew it, bill punched richie in the face, causing her to gasp.
eileen scrambled to help the guys pull richie back.

she knew that this wasn't like either of them.
"this is what it wants! it wants to divide us! we were together when we first heard it and that's why we're still alive!" beverly yelled.

"we're still alive because we're lucky," eileen mumbled under her breath.

"you know what, i'm sorry guys. i can't do this anymore." eileen shook her head, letting go of richie. she began to walk off.

"eileen? eileen!" stan called out, but eileen ignored it.

soon after, eileen heard richie behind her.
"fuck them. i'm the bad guy because i don't want to get killed?" richie commented.

eileen and richie walked some more before she heard running footsteps behind them.

"eileen, wait!" stan yelled out, now walking beside eileen and richie.

the three kids walked home in silence, still traumatized from the day.

eileen » it2017Where stories live. Discover now