Chapter 1 - Birth

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3rd Person's POV (15 years before present time)

"It's a girl!" A Sohma Nurse shouted having the father of the child to rush to the nurse's side. The father reached out to touch his child only for the nurse to stop him

"Not yet sir, first let me clean her then you can hold her." The Nurse stated having him nod, letting the nurse to leave the area to clean up the baby

"Did you hear that Caralina? We have a daughter!" He stated excitedly to the mother of the child. Caralina smiled and nodded, moving hair out of her husband's face

"This is delightful, Hoshi." Caralina stated and Hoshi kissed her forehead. In the other room, the nurse was cleaning up the newborn child, while the Doctor carefully monitored her considering the Nurse was still a trainee, about to move up in the ranks

"I wonder what they are going to name her." The Nurse stated, smiling at the newborn who stared curiously up at her

"Perhaps after someone." The Doctor stated thoughtfully causing the nurse to nod, wrapping up the baby in a blanket. The Doctor and Nurse headed back to the parents, the baby girl gurgling as the nurse played with her exposed fingers

"Here ya go, go to Mommy now." The Nurse handed the baby girl over to Caralina who cradled her in her arms. Caralina smiled at her daughter. After a few moments of adoring the newborn, a knock on the door came. The parents freezing, knowing who was behind the door. The Doctor reluctantly went over the door and opened it to reveal 10 year old Akito Sohma (The Fruits Basket Wiki stated he is in his 20s present time, so I enlisted him to be 25 in the future, making him ten years older), standing in the doorway with his arms crossed. He walked inside of the room to the other side of the bed, his eyes studying the newborn, searching for anything odd

"Have you tested her yet?" The Doctor shook his head having Akito sigh irritatedly

"We were waiting for you to come along, sir." The Doctor lied to him through his teeth. He wanted to give the parents a chance to bond before anything drastic was to happen that may change their mind about their daughter. Akito nodded, buying his lie before looking up at Hoshi

"Test her, now." Akito ordered. Hoshi and Caralina glanced at one another before Caralina carefully handed their daughter over to Hoshi. Hoshi held onto her, no change happening. Akito nodded subtly

"Make more physical contact with her." Hoshi sighed, his eyes staring into the eyes of his daughter who stared up at him, glimmering in the light. Hoshi hugged her, careful not to squish her. A puff of brown smoke appeared, confirming the new parents fears, their daughter was cursed. Hoshi reluctantly pulled his daughter away from him to reveal a baby duckling in the heap of the blanket. The duckling wasn't cute, but ugly, no other words could describe the way she looked now

"Ugly Duckling, 5Th One throughout the Sohma History. From past experience, as time goes on until she reaches the age of 10, she will transform into the beauty she has destined to be." Akito stated coldly, his eyes holding little sorrow, knowing this would be difficult for the baby girl

"Name?" Akito asked after a few moments of silence. Caralina held back her tears as she told the head of the house her name

"Ammara Akira Sohma."

To Be continued

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