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That's a mark that was left with the intention of hurting not only someone, but Jimin.

I drink the shot, throwing my head back as I do Before pouring myself another one.

Yoongi's P.O.V

I down one more shot before moving into the living room, stumbling just a little on my way there. My plan was to sit back on the couch, maybe go downstairs and smoke again, but instead, I'm tempted by the group of dancing bodies. I move over to them, dancing to the beat of the music.

I don't know how long it's been, but it doesn't feel like very long before Jungkook is pulling me out from between two girls who didn't have a chance.

"Come on Yoongi, it's time to go." I just mumble swear words at him as he pulls me out of the house and pushes me into the car. I must be quite drunk because I'm only registering bits and pieces, like Jungkook buckling my seat belt and telling me that I better not vomit in his moms car. 

The next thing I know, I'm getting dragged out of the car and I'm at the door of what I'm guessing is Mrs. Park house. I try to open it, and just to my luck its fucking locked.

"Goddammit." I murmur as I stumble around to the windows, trying to open each and every one and failing since they're all locked as well. Eventually I reach a living room window that's been left unlocked, so I push it open and climb my way in, not so gracefully though. Because right as I'm putting my right leg in, I hear the loud sound of glass shattering against the floor. 


I climb the rest of the way in and take in the sight of the broken vase around me. Good thing I know what to do.

I make my way to the kitchen as quickly as possible, holding onto the wall for support whenever I start feeling dizzy. I grab the broom from the closet, and before I can even reach the living room again, Mrs. Park is rushing down the stairs with messy hair and a frantic look on her face. "Yoongi?!"

I just stare at her with a blank expression, maybe if I don't move she won't see me, like those bears. Or dinosaurs? "What in Gods name are you doing?!"

"Uh." I glance into the living room at the shattered glass before down at the broom in my hands, laughing "Cleaning?" I slur out, losing my balance when I try to lean against the broom

"At 4 A.M?" She reaches the bottom of the steps and I see her look me up and down, taking in my appearance. "Why are you dressed? And what was that noi-" She stops mid-sentence as she looks into the living room, spotting the glass across the floor. "Yoongi, what is that?" She asks before looking into my eyes.

"Your face." I slur before laughing at myself, realizing it didn't come out right. "Vase!" Before I know it though, she's grabbing my jaw and pulling me closer, and I can hear her sniff before her eyes widen.

"Yoongi! Do not tell me you have been drinking."

"I have not not been drinking." And after that, she starts yelling, going on and on about how alcohol is bad and I should be ashamed of myself, and I eventually zone her out. It's not until a barely audible voice is speaking up from the top of the stairs, causing me to look up


Standing there in just an over sized t-shirt that falls down right at the tops of his knees, with his messy hair atop his head and a balled up fists rubbing at his closed eyes. "Mum?" He asks sleepily, before finally opening his eyes. I see his eyes brighten, even if it's just a bit when they land on me. "Hyung?"

"Why are you yelling?" He asks, and even in this drunken state of mind all I can think about is how beautiful he is.

His small frame and milky white thighs that are barely showing from his long shirt, his sleepy eyes and slightly puffy cheeks from just waking up. His little hand reaching out to grab the railing as he's about to make his way down the stairs before he's stopped.

"Jimin, go back to bed." Mrs. Park states frustratingly, rubbing at her temples. I watch Jimin turn sadly and go back towards our bedroom. "And Yoongi, you too. Give me your phone, you're grounded and you are not to go anywhere besides school and here. Oh, and the dinner we are going to tomorrow to celebrate the promotion. No TV, what ever is in Jimin's room can occupy you for the rest of this week, and if you give me any, and I mean any trouble I'll make it two weeks." I just shrug and mumble about how I never get to go anywhere anyways before I turn and begin to walk away. She stops me though.

"Yoongi, phone." I groan and dig it out of my pocket, handing it to her. She smiles before nodding up the stairs. "Now up to bed. You have chores in the morning, which also include cleaning up that broken vase." I groan again before stomping upstairs.

I get inside the room and shut the door, looking over to Jimin who's climbing onto his bed. I take off my shoes before struggling to get my belt unbuckled. "Fuck." I mumble under my breath as my drunken fingers can't seem to work properly. I can hear Jimin giggling across the dark room and I roll my eyes. "What are you laughing at, huh?" I ask teasingly.

He just lets out another giggle before mumbling out a small, "Nothing."

I eventually just give up on my belt and fall back onto my bed, trying my best to cover up, even if it feels weird on my clothed body. Once I'm covered and dozing off, Jimin speaks up from his side of the room.

"Where did you go?" I hear him whisper curiously. "You smell kind of funny." I can hear him giggling again.

"I went to a party." I slur out, too drunk to come up with something witty.

I'm dozing in and out of sleep, but before I can, Jimin speaks up again. "Who's birthday was it?"

"Not a birthday." I say tiredly and a bit annoyed. "Just a party."

"Oh." Is all he says, and before I know it I'm falling asleep.


Heyo i'm back

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2018 ⏰

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