The girl with no name

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Tubby Tar? I looked around confused, trying to find the person who had shouted it.

A dark haired girl strode up to the girl I had been helping and smirked at her

"Look at you Tubbs! What happened? Someone wire your jaw shut over summer?"

She placed her hands on her hips and sneered. Ordinarily she would have seemed pretty but the things that she was saying had contorted her face into something nasty and featureless.

I looked at the girl she was talking to. She bent her head low and I could see her taking deep breaths in as if she was trying to gain her composure. She glanced up and our eyes met briefly, her grey eyes seemed to flash with pain before she lowered them to the ground staring at her shoes.

A feeling I had never felt before started to twist in my stomach, she looked so lost and hurt I felt as if I needed to wrap my arms around her.

I shook my head slightly. Get a grip Zeke, you don't always need to be the hero. I turned and went to move inside when I heard the dark haired girl talk again.

"Come on Tubbs! What's the secret? Please don't think that just because you've lost weight it will make people like you. Nothing has changed, you are still a piece of shit."

I spun on my heel and moved closer.

"What did you say?" I rasped at her.

The dark haired girl turned around and seemed to be wrestling with her emotions. I could tell she didn't like to be interrupted but, as her eyes looked me up and down, I think she decided she didn't mind.

"Oh don't mind me!" She laughed, a little tinkly laugh. "I'm just reminding Tubbs here that she can lose all the weight she wants but it won't change the fact that she isn't worth anything."

She moved forward and placed one hand on my chest.

"I'm Caitlin. You're new..." she invited, obviously hoping for some information.

I could feel myself start to lose my temper. My hand trembled as I brought it up to my chest and wiped her hand off me as if it was dirt.

"Yeah, I'm new."

I moved past her, picked up the remaining books off of the floor and grabbed the other girl's hand.

"And I can already see who is the biggest piece of shit here."

She stared at me, jaw slack as I moved away pulling the girl behind me, up the stairs and into the college.


We moved quickly, I could hear her jogging slightly as I strode along until I found a corridor that was quiet. It was after 9 now and most of the classes had started with the last few stragglers scurrying to their rooms.

We walked down the corridor until we got the end and stopped beside a unused classroom that was full of chairs and broken tables.

I hadn't looked at her. I could feel her hand in mine, small and cold. She was shaking.

"Are you alright?"

She sighed. I looked down at her, trying to see her face but I couldn't. Her head was lowered and her hair fell in thick curls around her.

"Hey. Are you alright?"

She lifted her head and stared at me, she was pale and her eyes were bloodshot. She wasn't crying but she looked as if she was going to given the chance.

Then all of a sudden her face changed. She ran her hands through her curls and exhaled loudly. Her eyes seemed to dull and her lips turned downwards.

"I'm fine."

She didn't look it, it was as if a light had switched off and it really bothered me.

"Are you sure? I mean, you hit the floor and then that girl.." I trailed off because she most certainly wasn't a girl. Nobody should be spoken to like that.

"Oh, don't worry about it," she smiled slightly and looked at the palms of her hands. They were red and dimpled from leaning on the gravel. "I'm well known for being a calamity. I probably would have fallen even if you hadn't knocked me over."

"Um, you walked into me!" I protested throwing my hands up in self defence.

"Sure I did!" She smiled and even though it didn't reach her eyes, it was beautiful.

I felt something catch in my throat and coughed quickly.

"And what that girl,Caitlin, said?"

"Don't worry about it, I'm used to it by now." She shrugged her shoulders slightly and readjusted her bag. "I need to go, I'm late. Thanks for helping me with my books and sorry about all that."

She smiled at me again, turned and hurried away down the corridor. I watched her go all the way until she turned around a corner and disappeared from sight.

I stood still and stared blankly.


I didn't even ask her what her name was.

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