Chapter 1 - Reunion

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~.~ Donald's P.O.V ~.~

I poured hot glue over my bald head before putting my taupe over it. "Perfect," I said to my own reflection because, well it is perfect.

"President Trump we need you down here immediately!" yelled one of, my body guards.

I mumbled curses to myself and headed down to see what those idiots wanted.

"This better be go-" I stopped halfway through my sentence because of the sight before me. In the middle of my office stood her. I never thought I would see her again.

"W-what are you doing here," I tried to say with a steady voice, but it wavered ever so slightly, "I-I saw y-you die!"

"Donald.... nothing can tear this wall down, I have come back for you my love." She said, her voice the same loving tone I remembered it as. She shuffled towards me slowly with a kind and warm look in her spray painted eyes.

"Wallda, please never leave me again," I cried and ran into her with my arms reaching around her rough and long body.

"Don't worry my love," She said, "we will be together, forever."

Her voice sounded..... strange, almost sinister, but I decided to brush it off as an over reactive imagination. Wallda let out a surprised gasp as I kissed her passionately. I pulled away smiling, until I looked at her spray tan covered mouth.

My eyes widened and I stumbled back in surprise. I had marked her.

Once someone is marked they can never fall in love with anyone else other than their marker. Also if the marker or the marked person die, their significant other will die too. It is strictly against the rules of the Orangepole kind to mark someone before marriage.

I fell to the floor and broke down crying. Wallda is sure to hate me now, I had told her about what happens when someone is marked.

I dared to look up to her. Her permanently upturned spray paint mouth was smiling at me. She wasn't mad?

"Wallda?" I said cautiously.

"..." She said, and at that moment I knew our love could never be broken.

~.~ Time skip brought to you by my disappointment in myself for writing this ~.~

Melania stood in front of me crying. "You cant leave me for her! She's a wall!"

I gasped and covered Wallda's ears. "How dare you say that about her! She is a much better woman than you could ever be! She is perfect, beautiful, and loves me for me!"

"She's a wall!"

"And you're a homeless person! Get out of my Whitehouse!"

Melania sobbed on her way out the door. I turned to Wallda and led her to my room.

~.~ Time skip brought to you by me refusing to write Donald Trump x Wall smut ~.~

Wallda and I laid in my bread breathing heavily. I remember her being good, but not THAT good.

I turned to her and smiled, but she just stared blankly back at me.

"Wallda, is something wrong?" I asked worried that I wasn't good enough in bed to please her.

She sighed and looked at me, "Donald I just- I just want you to know I'm doing this because I love you and I want to make sure we can never get separated again."

"Wallda we wont get separated, I'll make sure of it," I said back and put my arm on her surface.

"This is just a precaution." She said and before I even knew what was happening a knife was in my chest being held by the one person I loved most.

"You where right Donald, I did die." I heard her say before the world went black.



Hey guys so that's the end of chapter one, don't worry tho because the story isn't over yet. So um, I bet you weren't expecting that huh. Thought this was going to be a light hearted funny story about Donald and his love Wallda? Well you where obviously wrong. The story will mainly focus around them, but I'm going to make dramatic stuff left right and center to enhance the silliness of this story. So buckle up everyone because this is going to be one hell of a ride.

The Wall - A Donald Trump x Wall love storyWhere stories live. Discover now