John dreams

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"John..." Sherlocks voice woke John from his daze. He sat up in his comfortable chair and rubbed his eyes. Looking around he saw the detective sitting in front of him in his leather chair. John blinked as he looked at Sherlock properly. Sherlocks hair was a mess, curls stuck to his sweaty forehead. He had sweat on his top lip and his lip was quivering slightly. John made his eyes up to the beautiful blue eyes of his friend.

Shocked he breathed in quickly, those eyes were wild. Darker than usual. Stormy and serious. John sat up in his chair straighter. Breath coming faster and faster. "Sherlock. Whats wrong? Are you sick?" John asked concern moving across his face. Doctor mode kicking in his scanned the body of his flatmate. Sherlock hadn't moved since John had awoken. "Oh!" John gasped as he noticed the detectives rather large erection jutting out of his loose pajama pants. Sherlock didnt seem to care that John had noticed. He continued to stare into Johns eyes. Pupils dilated, John noticed.

Slowly John got up and moved towards his friend. Grabbing his hand John listened for his pulse. Elevated. "Oh my" John thought. Suddenly Sherlocks hands grabbed Johns, as he pulled himself up off the chair. The taller detective pushed John back, Johns legs bumping into his chair, making him fall roughly onto it. Sherlock straddled his flat mate. Knees on either side of Johns legs. John looked up into the taller mans crazy eyes. And was lost in their dark blue swirls. Sherlock pressed himself against John. Whispering in his ear. "You fell asleep John." Johns breathing hitched as he noticed how husky Sherlocks voice was compared to normal. He felt his cock twitch. "You seemed to be dreaming. called my name." Sherlock moved back to look onto Johns eyes as if do gauge his reaction. Johns cheeks reddened. Sherlock continued. "You seemed to be enjoying the dream, as you were...ah....moaning....and you had" Sherlock glanced dow towards Johns crotch.

Slowly the truth dawned on John. He had had a (nearly) wet dream. About Sherlock. Johns eyes opened wide. His cheeks flashed even redder. Sherlock leaned close once again. "You said my name. Numerous times." He whispered into Johns ear. Making him shiver. Sherlock giggled at his reaction. John had never heard such a noise from the normally very composed man.

Sherlocks big hands were suddenly on Johns chest, working on the buttons of his shirt. John froze. Sherlock finally finished undoing the other mans shirt and ran his cold hands down his chest. John moaned at the cool touch. He wanted more. John reached up to Sherlocks purple shirt, starting to undo the buttons too. He removed it and revealed the detectives smooth white chest. Sherlock leaned down planting a kiss on Johns chest, just below his neck. He slowly kissed his way down further. His curls tickling Johns face.

John played with his hair. Those beautiful black curls he had longed to touch suddenly in his hands. As Sherlock reached Johns belt he undid it easily and slipped it off, wrapping it around his hands and making it snap with a loud noise. The seductive motion he used making John long for more. John reached up and took the other mans face in his strong hands pulling him closer to kiss him. John pushed his tongue into Sherlocks mouth and explored. Hearing a satisfying moan erupt from the detectives mouth. John wasnt lying when he had said he was a good kisser. An expert even Sherlock thought.

The more John kissed him the more Sherlock wanted him. Wanted to touch him in places he has never wanted to touch anyone else before. Sherlock reached down, sliding his hand under Johns pants. Too tight. He undid his trousers without breaking the passionate kiss and slid two fingers in. Feeling the wet tip. Just then there was a knock at the door. "Woohoo boys. What was that noise? Hope you arnt shooting my wall again Sherlock?!" Came Mr Hudsons voice. The boys looked at each other, sharing a smile. "No Mrs Hudson. Just having sex." Is all Sherlock replyed . Silence. Then retreating foorsteps. "Finally" they heard their landlady say to herself as she made her exit. John laughed and looked at his flatemate. "Sex? You sure?" He asked looking questioningly into the blue swirls of Sherlocks eyes. "Defiantly" Sherlock said in almost a growl. Jumping off John then holding out a hand to help him up. "Lead the way" John said. Standing and kissing Sherlock on the lips quickly, before following the half dressed man to Sherlocks bedroom down the hall.

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Xxx hope you enjoyed!

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