7 minutes in heaven

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Hope your enjoying these guys x
Cheers to the artist Daunt for the pic above LOVE  IT!

It was Christmas Eve. Everyone was here at 221b Baker street. Drinks were drunk. Food was scoffed. Laughs were had. Presents were exchanged. Everyone was having a good time. Even Sherlock seemed to be enjoying himself. Limiting his rudeness, even towards Mycroft. Everyone was sitting around the fireplace now drinking the bottle of Whiskey Sherlock had bought out. Mrs Hudson had gone to bed, it being a considerably late hour. And the rest of us sat around chatting and drinking a bit more. It was Lestrade who suggested a game. "Not Monopoly!!" John yelled quickly before Sherlock had a chance to suggest it. Knowing very well how that game usually ended.

"I remeber playing 7 minutes in heaven in high school" Molly said laughing. "Me too!" "I never got the hot chick though..." Lestrade said with a chuckle. "Whats this game then?" Sherlock asked with real interest. As Lestrade explained, Molly went to find a empty bottle. Putting it on the coffee table and removing the countless glasses and snacks on it. "Really? Must we entertain this childish game?" Mycroft said with a sigh.

"Oh, you love it!" John teased. "Whose going first?" "Molly?" Without hesitation Molly spun the bottle giggling, clearly the Whiskey was having its toll on the slim girl. It stopped eventually on Lestrade. Everyone laughed as he held out his hand to a blushing Miss Cooper who took it and made their way to the small linen cupboard. Sherlock and John shoved them, closing the door and starting the timer on Johns watch. Giggling John and Sherlock left them too it and got themselves another drink.

John jumped as the timer beeped and Sherlock went to  open the door for the two. They emerged. Sherlock deduced, even in his state that they had definatly had a bit if fun in the cupboard.  Mollys lipstick was rubbed nearly off, and Greg wore it on his lips and neck. Giggling like school kids the two sat down again on the floor, everyone noting that they sat much closer together this time.

"Ohh- *cough*- kay" Greg coughed, " whose next? Sherlock spin!" He said clapping the detective on the back hard. Sherlock flinced and looked around at the expectant eyes watching him. He sighed and span the bottle. Agonisingly slowly it spun until it landed on John. "Woooohooo!" The group called and wolf whistled as the two men looked at each other unsurely. Slowly Sherlock stood and held out his hand for his flate mate to take. "Come along John" he said with a twinkle in his eye. John sighed, swigged his drink and stood taking Sherlocks awaiting hand.

They enetered the cupboard and laughed uneasily as the door shut and it became dark. They two men stood for a moment adjusting to the darkness and the sudden proximity of eachother a bodies. John looked into Sherlocks eyes. And suddenly Sherlock took a step forward, trapping John up against the shelves. "Whhha...?" John started but Sherlock interrupted, "shhh John. Its a game. And i plan to win..." "there.is no winn..." John started to explain but stopped abruptly as Sherlock leaned his lips forward and kissed the shorter man on the neck. Johns body straightened. His breathing came faster.

Sherlock kissed again near Johns ear, moving to nibble his soft ear lobe. Johns shivered involuntarily. Sherlock noticed and whispered in Johns ear... " everyone already suspects that we fuck, so why not give it a go?". This made John gasp and he felt his cock twitch and start to harden. He couldn't form words. Couldnt tell Sherlock no. And didnt want to either. Sherlock lifted his arms and started to explore Johns body. He cold fingers touching under Johns jumper made John jump, grabbing Sherlocks hips for stability. John gave in to the feelings. Letting his hands roam Sherlocks chest. He found him self undoing Sherlocks buttons and touching his smooth bare chest. Sherlock seemed to like this. Gasping at the cold touch. John leaned upwards kissing Sherlock gently on the lips.

Sherlock stilled. Looking John in the eye. Suddenly Sherlock seemed to loose control. Pushing his body against Johns. John could feel Sherlocks erection against his leg. Sherlock kissed John fiercely, biting johns lip then licking it until john allowed him entrance. Sherlocks tongue was in Johns mouth, John battled for dominance but Sherlock was too strong, too good. And John resigned to the kiss. Sherlock grabbed Johns wrists pushing them up above his head and holding them there roughly with one hand. Sherlock then used his free hand.to roam around Johns muscular body. He made his down down to Johns neglected erection, palming it slowly. Not breaking the kiss Sherlock moved his hand faster and harder against the other mans warm cock. He could feel a slight wet patch on Johns pants and he smiled into Johns mouth.

John started to moan as he pushed himself further into Sherlocks hands. Struggling with his wrists, wanting to touch Sherlock. But Sherlock wasnt having it. He was in control, and he liked it. Johns moans came louder and more erractic and Sherlock new he was close. Sherlock was starting to loose control of his body now, he could feel pre cum leaking from his slit and soaking his underwear.  Suddenly a beepinf jolted to the two men apart. Panting and sweating John looked at his flat mate who looked just as disheveled. And just like that the doors swung open and there stood Lestrade and Molly gaping the the sight of the two men panting and their clearly excited bodies. Quickly Molly shut the door. Leaving the men to the darkness again. So much for a game, Sherlock thought to himself. John coughed quietly and looked at Sherlock. "You win" he said with a giggle, "merry christmas John" is all Sherlock replyed before taking him into his arms once again.

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