Military kink

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John opened the letter Mrs Hudson had given him while he ate his breakfast. Sherlock was watching him with vague interest as he read it. 'Military formal dinner' John said out loud as he read the details. 'Hmmmm. At the Gorton Hotel. Fancy.... Full military uniform required. Plus one? Hmmmm...' John read not looking at his friend sitting across from him who was now very interested. John folded the letter drank his tea. Looking at Sherlock finally. 'Fancy a night out?' He asked his flat mate. Sherlock cocked his head. A night with John. In full uniform? How could he say no. 'If theres nothing more exciting on...then why not' he replyed, trying to sound disinterested. When really his heart was pounding a million miles an hour. He had seen John in his uniform a hand full of times. And it always did something to him. He couldn't control himself around him. Was it the tight trousers? The military style jacket that perfectly accentuated Johns waist? Or the way John acted while in uniform. So proper. So in charge. His whole demeanor changed. He was in control. And Sherlock liked it. He had often thought about John in uniform, commanding him. Thinking of it now Sherlocks pants seemed to get tighter. He snapped out of it to see John watching him. John shook his head and stood up, Not fazed by his flat mates strangeness anymore, and went to get out his uniform.

The night of the Military do. Sherlock was getting ready. He had already changed his shirt three times and shoes twice. He was nervous but excited to see John all dressed up. As usual John took forever to get ready. Sherlock called him to hurry as he waited in his chair. Trying to tame his breathing. John finally emerged from his room. And Sherlock gasped. He looked amazing. Full uniform. Shiny shoes. Hair combed. John smiled and put his hand to his head. 'Ready to go SIR' he said, saluting Sherlock. Sherlock nearly passed out then and there. But made himself take deep breaths, practically runnig out the door while hastily putting on his long coat.

When they boys finally arrived, Sherlock breathed a sigh of relief. Being in the confined space of the cab had been torture. He could still smell Johns musky cologne, making his head spin slightly. He took a deep breath of fresh air as he stepped out of the cab and enetered the hotel.

The night went nicely. Sherlock and John had mingled with some of Johns war buddies, shared pleasantries with some of the more higher up personalities and had a beautiful meal. After a while John had found some more of his old mates and were reminiscing over a beer while Sherlock sat at the bar sipping his own beer slowly. He didnt usually drink, but was feeling rather in a good mood. He gazed around the room, not noticing the countless women giving his looks, his eyes only travelling back to one man. John. His John. Laughing at a table, beer in his hand and hat sat proudly on his head. Sherlock took him in. He truly was magnificent to look at. Sherlock downed his beer asking for another. He looked back at John just as John looked up and caught Sherlocks eye. He smiled and tilted the brim of his hat towards the detective. Sherlock bit his lip, his beer forgotten halfway to his lips. John turned away and engaged in conversation again as Sherlock let out the breath he had been holding. He crossed his legs quickly as he felt a familar stir. John got up soon after and sat next to Sherlock at the bar. 'I have a room here for the night if you wanna crash instead of driving all the way home. Have to warn you its a double bed though hey.' John teased, whacking into Sherlock with his shoulder. Sherlock laughed too a tad uncomfortably. Finishing his beer he stood. John lead the way to their room. He opened the door for Sherlock, saying he would be a minute and walked down the hall. Sherlock shut the door disappointment coarsing through his body. He sat in the chair facing the window and stared into the night.

A few minutes later Sherlock heard the door unlock and open. Then shut again sharply. His thoughts were interupted by a commanding voice. 'A Soilder should stand when a Officer enters the room!' Sherlock jumped out of the chair and looked at the man behind him. It was John. Looking fierce in his uniform, hat and ...... cane? Sherlocks eyes wondered the mans body shocked. John stood at attention. Looking Sherlock in the eyes with a serious face. 'I am your commanding Officer. You do what i say. Got it?' Sherlock didnt move. Stunned into silence. He felt his cock twitch in his pants and his heart race. John cocked his eyebrow. 'Answer me Soilder...yes who?' He boomed. 'Yes...s ssir' Sherlock stuttered slowly. 'Good boy. Now sit on the bed.' John said with a smile and glint of something else in his eye. Sherlock was too stunned to think, moving to sit on the double bed immediately. John walked over to him now. Looking down at his rather flustered detective. 'Now behave or i will have to use this...'  John said seductively while moving the end of the white cane up Sherlocks chest until he came to a stop on his chin. John could see Sherlocks rapid breaths and sweat on his forehead and smiled. Having known of his friends military fetish for some time. He released Sherlocks chin and tapped him lightly on the thigh. Using the cane to trace a line up and down his thighs making Sherlock shake. John straddled Sherlock now. Pushing his chest making him fall back onto the soft bed. John removed his hat and placed it on Sherlocks head. Sweeping a few unruly curls from the detectives forehead. 'Remove your shirt' John said with a growl. Sherlocks shaky hands undone his buttons as fast as they could, fumbling slightly as he could not take his eyes off the man on top of him. Finally he yanked off his shirt and through it to the side. John ran his fingers over Sherlocks soft pale skin, stopping to play with his nipple before bending over and kissing Sherlocks collar bone. He kissed his way up Sherlocks neck, softly biting his skin, making him moan slightly. John felt himself harden even more, hearing such a sound from his friends mouth. He sat back up using the cane to sweep over Sherlocks long arms and back down his torso. He stopped as he got to his pants. 'Remove your pants.' He commanded. Sherlock obeyed quickly stripping down to his tight black under wear. John touched Sherlocks erect cock with the cane, running it all the way up and down  again. Making Sherlock squirm under him. 'Under wear off Soilder' he said gruffly. Sherlock hesitated, a flush coming to his face. John raised his eyebrows and sent the cane down to crack onto Sherlocks exposed thigh. Sherlock sat up shocked and highly aroused by the sudden attack. 'I said off!' John said louder. Slowly Sherlock removed his briefs, smiling at John . He smiled back and gave Sherlock a slight tap on the chest with cane. ' Good boy' he purred onto Sherlocks ear. John kissed him then, passionately. Tongues fighting for dominance. Hands touching skin. Soon enough John was naked too, with only his hat back on his head. Sherlock lay next to him, hands still exploring his friends body. John sucked on his fingers, looking Sherlock dead in the eye. Pulling him close he grabbed his cock in one  hand and slid the other around his arse. Sherlock moaned as John inserted his finger, moving in and out slowly. Then adding another. Sherlock grabbed Johns swollen cock and pulled in time with Johns hand movements. Moaning together the two men kissed once again. Messy and needy. As John pumped his fingers Sherlock reached his climax, ejaculating onto the clean bed sheets. 'On your knees' John growled after allowing Sherlock a few moments to breath.  Sherlock obeyed. Arse in the air he awaited Johns entrance. A crack bought another moan to the detectives lips as John whacked his arse cheek with the cane. 'I am gonna fuck you Sherlock Holmes' John breathed into Sherlocks ear as he reached for the lube on the pillow. Sherlock was shaking now, throbbing for John to enter him. The Officer touched his cock to Sherlocks tender entrance and worked his way in. He groaned as he pushed in all the way, receiving a moan in return from the man beneath him. He worked his cock slowly in and out getting into a rhythm. Sherlock bounced against Johns cock, groaning with each thrust. He wanted more. Faster. Harder. John felt his need and slowed. Sherlock thrust back against him, his frustration showing. 'Ah huh..' John said. 'Iam in charge'. He slowly entered again and agonisingly teased Sherlock with the tip. Sherlock pushed against him. ' pleassse' he begged. 'Oh i like it when you beg Sherl...' John said grinding faster. 'Say it again' he commanded. ' FASTER FUCK...JOHN...HARDER PLEASE!' Sherlock yelled out of breath. Giving in John pounded into Sherlock hitting the spot with each thrust now. Both men were close. 'Come with me' John breathed into Sherlocks ear and he grabbed his waist. 'YEEEESSSS...' Shelock said with a moan as he came again. He felt John came aswell, heat filling him up. The two men fell into a pile on the messed up bed, trying to breath. Neither said anything as John finally rose to get a drink of water. Returning and handing it to Sherlock who greatfully took it. They both pulled the covers up and snuggled down, cuddling their sweaty bodies together. Sherlock smiled as John played with his curly hair. And soon enough he was asleep, cane forgotten on the floor beside him.

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