Could This Day Get Any Worse

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Thank all of you guys for the support! I'm currently in school so I'm sorry if my updating schedules are weird and inconsistent! Please bear with me!! I hope you enjoy this chapter thank for reading lovelies <3

I put my head down, I really did not want to get involved in this one. Of course these kids were nice, but I was too afraid of what my brother would do to me if I interfered.

"L-l-leave us a-alone!" I heard the boy with the stutter shout. I still haven't learned his name.

Oh no. Henry will sure make fun of him for his stutter. Poor kid, didn't even do anything wrong. Just trying to defend himself.

"What's wrong b-b-b-Billy?" I finally looked up after hearing what Henry had said, I was dying to see what this boy's reaction was. He looked, helpless. His friends looked to scared to do anything.

This was too much for me to handle. Why was he being so mean to these sweet boys? They never did anything so awful to him that he had to bully them like that, did they? Although I was terrified of my brother, I stepped in. This was hard to watch, to be honest.

He raised his fist like he was about to hit one of them.

This can't be good.

"Henry!" I yelled and grabbed his hand before he could hit any one of them. "What did they even do to you? They're sweet kids, don't hurt them." I said, trailing off a bit, keeping my voice down, not really wanting to cause a gaggle of kids to come running towards us and scream "Fight! Fight! Fight!" That wouldn't do any of us any good in this situation.

"Let's just go home." I spoke up since Henry wasn't responding. He was probably thinking about what he was doing and why he was even doing it.

He finally gave up and turned around heading towards our house.

As we were walking, I turned around to see the boys staring at me, most likely wanting to say thank you, but intimidated since I was with Henry Bowers. I flashed them a smile understanding what they were trying to say to me.

~ time skip to home ~

We finally arrived home I was pretty scared honestly. Henry hadn't said a word to me this entire walk home.

I made a terrible move and decided to break the silence.

"Are you gonna say anything or...?" I said trailing off at the end.

He just looked at me. No response. Nothing. And he walked inside just like that. I took upon myself to not follow him inside and do my own thing for the rest of the day. Better than being inside with him.

I started towards the drugstore in town only to find, yet again, Beverly. I was pretty happy to see her, since today was not going so well. I was always happier when I talked to her. 

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