Feels Unfamiliar (25 day wait, SORRY! ily)

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Hey guys!!! I'm super sorry for the lack of updates. I'm always hyper depressed and unmotivated to do anything, even clean my room. Hope you understand!! Anyways, I hope I'm back and thank you guys so much for the support and always telling me to updates hahaha I know im lacking. THIS HOE IS BACK Hope you guys like it!! I'm gonna start on the next chapter and i hope I'll get it up and going soon! Also, dont forget I read all the comments I get on this crappy book, AND YOU GUYS ARE SUCH A HOOT ITS SO FUNNY TO READ THE COMMENTS I LOVE IT SO MUCH HAHAHA

My at home life isn't the greatest. It's frustrating dealing with my psycho brother and my heartless dad. I never have anyone to talk to about it, though. So I usually just bottle up my feelings and let them eat from the inside out. Sometimes I'll have weeks where I just can't say anything or find the motivation to do anything because my feelings are so overwhelming. It's always been hard to handle. I wish it would just end, but it never does and I don't have anyone, or anything, to distract me from my problems. I'm always surrounded by them. Hopefully a distraction will come around soon.

"I feel like shit now, mainly because of Henry, but tomorrow should be fun if he never finds out about it." I was laying in my bed, thinking about all the good and bad outcomes tomorrow may hold.

~t i m e s k i p~

The quarry was gorgeous. I was surprised. I've never really seen it from this point of view, standing atop the cliff with people who want to hang out with me. It was nice. The boys were having a spit contest, disgusting, but funny, while I was taking in the moment. This was most likely something I wouldn't experience again... depressing.

As I was gazing off, lost in thought, I heard Richie yell, "What the fuck?" That immediately brought me back. I was surprised at what I saw. Beverly was mid air, falling down into the quarry.

"We just got stood up by a girl!" Richie yelled to the guys.

I ran right through the little crowd they formed and screamed right back them, "Make that two!" as I jumped off the cliff laughing the way down while my feet were flying through the air. I spun around as I was falling down, only to see Richie's face. He was smiling right back at me. I locked eyes with him for a split second, us both still laughing, before I fell before his eye level and hit the water, only to see Beverly staring at me with a wide smile.

"That was hilarious!" She laughed and playfully splashed me in the face with the freshwater.

I smiled and laughed back at her while I watched the other boys jump in one by one.

Richie swam over to me once he hit and the others hit the water.

"You know, you're funnier than I thought you would be. I usually see you as mini Henry, but I guess I was wrong!" He said and laughed at the end.

I chuckled back, "Yeah, that's not an uncommon thought."

He was about to say something back when he was lifted up out of the water by Ben. As I was distracted by the commotion going on before me, I felt myself becoming colder as I was no longer in the water. I looked down and Bill was right under me. I understood that we were going to have a chicken fight, so I looked Richie dead in the eyes and shouted,

"You're going down Toizer!"

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