I Finally Met The Boys

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Hey! I'm back with another chapter!! This one's pretty long so I hope it keeps your attention haha anywayyysss enjoy! Again, I'm so grateful for all of your support! Even if it's not as much as all of the really popular stories, I'd still be so happy if even one person liked what I wrote! Thank you so sososo much! ily <333   ALSO im trying to update daily so lets see if that continues to be a thing

"Hey bev. I sure am happy to see you." I said, sighing of relief.

"Yeah, I'd assume, I wouldn't really want to be in the situation you're in. Dang your brother's scary."

"No kidding." I ended up telling her about the entire walk home and how terrified I was. Why wasn't he yelling at me. I really do not want to to go back home.

"So, anyways, why are you here?" I asked her, wanting to move on from that horrible topic.

She hesitated. "Lady stuff."

"Oh, I get you. If you hadn't noticed I'm also a female. I go through the same stuff." I laughed, and so did she. 

We turned the corner of the aisle and saw a group of boys. Beverly quickly hide what she was going to buy behind her back. I laughed a bit, it was pretty funny.

I took a closer look.

Those are the boys from earlier. Wonder why they're here.

Beverly asked what they were doing and they responded, "Some kid's outside and he's hurt pretty bad. Can you help us get this stuff?"

Beverly agreed and, being the pretty girl she was, used her charms to distract the guy at the cashier. Ugh. That was disgusting. I was standing with her, waiting to give the cue for the boys to leave.

I shoved beverly into a rack that was on the counter, hoping she'd knock it over on the other side. And, to our advantage, she did.

"I'm so sorry." She said to the man as she was handing his glasses back.

"Don't worry about it, young lady." He then bent over to pick up what Beverly had knocked over.

I turned around and waved my hands around signaling for them to leave. They bolted.

We were pretty curious about what had happened so we went outside to find them. They were in an ally crowded around the boy that was hurt.

Oh no. It was Ben. Poor kid. Hope he's ok.

We walked over to him to see what was wrong.

We asked what happened but they didn't seem to want to tell us, until that kid with glasses opened his big mouth.

"The kid got attacked by Henry Bowers."

The other kids looked at him like they were telling him to shut up. Beverly stared right at me, waiting for my reaction. I was just staring at Ben, feeling awful.

I can't believe I'm related to such an awful boy.

I walked over to Ben a kneeled down next to him.

"I'm so sorry, Ben. I can't believe he did that. That's just down right sick! Are you okay? Did it hurt? How did he even find you?" I started pestering him with questions. I felt like maybe I should back off. He was pretty badly hurt after all.

"Sorry I'll give you some space. But... can I see what he did?"

Ben lifted up his shirt and exposed him belly. A large 'H' was carved into his stomach. My eyes could barely look. That was awful.

"Geeze. That's gnarly."

"It really is. It hurts pretty bad."

The cute little brown haired kid kept working on Ben's stomach while everyone else patiently watched.

Sudden realization hit me. I'm standing around all of these people and I have no idea who they are. They probably don't know me either.

I looked up from Ben and said to everyone "Oh, I'm (y/n) to all of those who don't know me. I helped you out earlier with Henry at school if you don't remember. I'm friends with Beverly and Ben as you can tell." 

The kid with the stutter took the initiative and decided to speak for everyone.

"I'm B-Bill," he pointed to the kid with glasses, "t-t-that's Ri-richie," then to the boy with curly hair "Stan," and then to the kid helping Ben, "a-and Eddie."

As Bill pointed to each of them I looked in their direction and each one of them either waved or just smiled to greet me.

"Thanks for helping us out earlier, we really appreciate it, but why are you around Henry Bowers? You don't seem like the type of person to be around him." Richie said to me, thanking me on behalf of him and the whole group.

All the boys look at him with a glare for the second time. Probably at the mention of Henry. Why was it bad to mention him, though? I mean, he's a bad person but he's not going to come slice you if you just say his name.

Before I could answer Richie, Beverly spoke up saying she had to leave. Bill offered her to come to the Quarry with them. She accepted, said bye to me and everyone else and left. It was probably best, knowing what her dad would have done if she was out any later.

"To get back to you," I said looking towards Richie, "I am, sadly, his sister."

They were all pretty shocked, as I really was nothing like him.

"That's a surprise." He said back.

"Yeah. It really is. I'm nothing like him. But, why was mentioning him so bad? I mean he is a bad person and all, but nothing will happen if you just say his name."

"It was what happened with him and Beverly."

Oh? This is the first I'm hearing of this. I wonder why she wouldn't tell me.

"Well, what'd she do?" I asked, but I think the feeling that I was hurt may have been a little visible.

"More like who'd she do! I hear the list is longer than my wang."

I laughed, I know I shouldn't have. Beverly is my friend for crying out loud! Especially since my brother caused this, but this kid is pretty funny, and he's not bad looking either, if i do say so myself. His glasses are just downright adorable. Oh my, I better contain myself.

"Oh no. She never told me about any of this. Maybe she didn't because it was about my brother.."

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