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Richie's wife, Mary, insisted they looked at old scrapbooks that day so she could see him as a kid, and so Richie could remember his childhood. Richie remembered everything about his childhood, except for the feelings, and maybe some big details. He opened the scrapbook and saw a picture of him at his 1st birthday party, blowing out the candles. Richie chuckled, as Mary smiled and planted a sweet kiss on his cheek, making him smile. The next couple pages were all his birthdays until age 4. It looked like the rest were ripped out. Richie was curious on where they were, and Mary asked "where are they?" Richie said "I don't know hunny, I guess they were ripped out." She instantly stood up, with an enthusiastic smile, and said "let's find them!" They searched the room for about half an hour until they found a big box, labeled "Richie's Best Memories!" They sat down on the bed, and taking off the dusty cover. There were about 5 other scrapbooks in there. They were labeled "Birthdays with Eddie" "good times with Eds" "The barrens w/ the losers" "❤️" And "When I left Derry" Richie was confused on the scrapbook with just the heart. Maybe it was memories with Mary. Richie's heart did flips when he read the name "Eddie" he started to remember Eddie, he was his best friend back in Derry! Richie had a big smile on his face and grabbed the scrapbook labeled "Birthdays with Eddie" he opened it and saw a picture of him and Eddie in his 5th birthday blowing out candles. He flipped the page, and saw another picture of him and Eddie on his 6th birthday smearing cake all over each other's faces. Richie giggled, and traced a finger down Eddie. Mary said "who is that?" Richie said "he was—is my best friend from Derry." She nodded and rested her hand on his shoulder and watched with wonder as he flipped the pages. Birthday 7, Richie was hugging Eddie with one hand, and holding up a drawing with the other. The drawing was of him and Eddie, with balloons and cake. Richie couldn't stop smiling and feeling little butterflies in his stomach. 8th birthday, Eddie was on Richie's shoulders, with party hats on their heads, and little birthday horns in their mouths. Richie took that picture out of the scrapbook and shoved it in his pocket. Birthdays 9, 10, and 11, were of Eddie and him looking as happy as can be eating cake and smiling. Each picture made Richie remember Eddie more and more. Birthday 12 and 13, were with the losers. Richie remembered the losers very fondly. He didn't forget them. That's when it ended. Mary said "it looks like he was your best friend." Richie nodded and said "still is, but he was the one person out of everyone I trusted the most." She nodded and Richie picked up "❤️" Richie was curious on who this scrapbook was for. It was most likely for Mary, so it made him less eager, and he put it down and picked up "good times with Eds" it was very thick. He opened it, and scimmed through millions of photos, of them riding bike, watching movies, swimming, and some of them were of them snuggled up on the couch sleeping, at sleepovers. Richie felt some sort of hurt in his stomach and he felt some sort of guilt build up inside him each time Mary, would now kiss him. He ignored it and finally, reached for the one labeled "❤️" Richie smiled and said "oh Mary, I think this one is of us." She kissed his cheek and said "oh I can't wait!" He giggled and opened it, something read "this scrapbook is dedicated to the love of my life, the person I'll never stop loving no matter where life takes us." Mary said "Aw, sweetie!" He flipped the page and it said "Richie and Eddie Forever!" In big bold letters, with little hearts floating around it. Richie smiled so brightly, and Mary felt jealous. He flipped the page, and saw Richie and Eddie at prom, slow dancing in the bright lights, next page he saw a picture of Him and Eddie at the fair on the Farris wheel, with Eddie on Richie's Lap, next he saw a picture of them two kissing in the rain at the barrens, Mary felt uncomfortable sitting there looking at Richie kissing a boy. The next couple pictures were of them kissing, cuddling, and laughing together and doing cute couple poses. Richie wanted to just cry, it made him feel a certain way, it felt good. He flipped the next page and saw something that brought back a memory Richie will never forget. It was of Richie and Eddie shirtless, covered in mud at the barrens, that was the first time him and Eddie had sex. They were at the barrens, and they were making out in the field once it started to rain, the kissing got more passionate and they were rolling around in the mud, and eventually they had sex. Richie started to laugh, remembering what happened but he felt all warm and tingly. Mary asked "why were you both covered in mud?" Richie's eyes widened, and he said "it started to rain, and we, uh...fell!" She looked back at the scrapbook and said "well, that's enough for today." She started to pack them all up, but Richie said "wait! I want to see the one when I was leaving Derry." She handed it to him without a word and he skimmed through it coming across a couple pictures of packed boxes, but soon enough, he reached pictures of him and his friends on that day. All the losers were all in a group hug crying, next picture being more sad, it was of all of them at the barrens that day, the last day they were together in Derry. Richie felt his heart hurt when each picture went by giving him more emotions and more remembrance of back then. The last picture was of him and Eddie, kissing and crying before leaving. Richie felt tears roll down his cheek as he closed the book, and thought about Derry, his childhood, and Eddie. Richie felt a piece of him missing, and that piece was important enough to make him go get it. That piece was Eddie, Richie now remembering how he loved Eddie, and how heartbreaking it was to leave him, made him need Eddie more. The wiped away the tears, as he rummaged through his room and threw clothes into a bag and packed a bunch of other things. Mary said "Richie what's going on?" Richie sighed and said "Mary, I'm taking a trip, a trip I might not come back from very soon. I'm sorry, but I have to go see Eddie, i still love him." Mary felt a dagger rip through her heart as Richie flew out the door, and to a taxi. Richie was happy he was finally going to go see Eddie after more than 3 years of not seeing him. He just wished that Eddie was as happy to see Richie, as much as Richie was happy to see Eddie. Richie was in the taxi for an eternity, well so it seemed. The taxi pulled up to Eddie's old home, he smiled and jumped out of the taxi, and ran to the door. He felt the same feeling he felt while reading the scrapbooks, but now stronger. He knocked on the door, and soon heard light footsteps approaching. A voice called out "be right there!" The door opened, revealing Eddie, slightly taller, and so beautiful. Eddie's eyes filled with tears, and Richie mirrored the action. Eddie jumped into Richie's arms and he said "Richie! Oh how I missed you so much! What are you doing here?!" Richie smiled and said "I missed you too Eds, and I'm here to see you." Eddie smiled, and Richie said "Eddie, I still love you, I love you so much and I don't know why it took me 5 years to figure that out." Eddie said "I still love you too Richie! But, what about your wife?" Richie chuckled and said "I told her I'm in love with you! Now, let's just stop worrying, and kiss!" Richie smashed their lips together, and Eddie instantly kissed back. Their lips moving in perfect sync, as they hold each other close. They both pulled away for air, and smiled. Eddie closed the door and Richie brought Eddie to the sofa, and laid him down, as Richie cuddled up behind him. Richie felt like the piece he was missing, was found, and he feels so much better. Eddie pulled a blanket over both of them and said "Richie, you don't know how much I missed you." Richie placed a sweet kiss on Eddie's forehead, and said "I bet it was a lot, because I missed you like hell baby." They spent all day, catching up, and cuddling just like they used to. Finally, since the memories were found, so was the hidden love in both of them. They both got what they wanted, and it was each other.

Oh! Hope you liked it! Aw, I actually like this one, but it's super crappy!

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