Plan 2

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    My mom's boyfriend was spending the night at our house, so was Mark. Mark and I thought this would be a perfect time to make a new plan and we came up with one that will for sure start a terrible argument.

    "So Emma, here is what I was thinking but there are a few details we will need to work out. But we make our parents take us to the mall, we go and buy a bra or something, and we put it in my dad's pants so she thinks that he is seeing another girl and when he says he isn't your mom will think my dad is a liar so she breaks up with him and we can go back to the way things were" Mark said with a cute confident smile on his perfect face.

    "Sounds perfect. We will get a good nights sleep and put our plan into action tomorrow" I told as we continued to work out the fine details. We then fell asleep and woke up nice and early.

    The next day started and we got ready. Our parents were at our dinner table have a "romantic" breakfast while Mark and I almost threw up!

    "Good morning kids. Did you sleep good last night?" My mom asked Mark.

    "Yep anyways so I was thinking so we can get to know each other better why don't we go to the mall!" Mark said with a smile on his face.

   "Sounds like a good idea son!" His dad said with a grin on his face. So we went into our car and drove to the local mall.

    Mark and I gave each other a look almost saying "We are so smart and can go back to being BF and GF after today" with a smile. So we arrived at the mall. Our parents holding hands acting all giggly and like they were two teenagers in their first romance that they thought would last forever.

    We went through to sliding glass doors entering the greatest plan of all time.

    "So we got money we will be on our way" Mark said as we tried to run off to the nearest Victoria Secret store.

    "Not so fast kids we are going to be a new family and because we know you two had a rocky start so we all are going to spend some bonding time together!" My mom said while Mark's dad nodded his head in agreement.

    Every single curse word I could think of was streaming threw my head. WHY WOULD ANYONE DO THIS TO US! This is totally the worst moment of my life! UGH!

    "Well if Mark and I need more bonding time then why don't we spend sometime by ourselves" I said while I hooked arms with him. We both but on the cheesiest smiles in the history of freaking smiles. If you were just some stranger off the street who didn't know us but looked in our eyes, you could tell we were dying inside and we wanted help and wanted to die. But we did it for our plan.

    "They do have a good point honey" My mom said to Marks dad.

    "Well alright but stay close together" Marks dad said with a smile and then went back to making goo-goo eyes at my mom.

    Mark and I ran off looking for the store that was going to set us FREAKING FREE! We found it. WE FOUND HEAVAN! We walked in. Mark grabbed a random bra.

    "Will this one do?" He said giving the bra to me.

    "Why are you asking me?"

    "YOUR THE GIRL HERE! To me this looks like a torture machine. HOW DO YOU FEMALS WHERE THIS!?" Mark said holding the bra.

    "Here this is only a B. We need a double D!" I told him putting the bra back on the display.


    "We are complex creatures. Now lets try and find a good bra in a double D, slip it in your dads pocket, and we are off to freedom" I told Mark as we looked.

    We found a perfect bra. It was a strapless push up with a cheetah print. All we saw was PERFECTION! I was so excited that I almost put it on my Snapchat story but we thought that someone would tell y mom or Mark's dad would found out. When we bought it this girl at the counter was giving us a weird look. I'm thinking that she saw a small teenage boy with a teenage girl, who is only a AA, buying a double D bra that clearly doesn't fit any of us. And hey she didn't know that our parents were an object so she was clearly confused.

    "" The cashier told Mark and I. We ran out of the store and went to Rou 21, found a bigger bag to hid the bras bag so no one saw it. We then walked around laughing and actually being happy. We met our parents with a big smile on our faces.

    "Well kids we blah blah blah blah blah..." We both tuned out and couldn't help but laugh and be happy. Then my mom happened.

    "So I see you two went to Rou 21, want to show us what you two got? You have a pretty big looking bag there" My mom said while Mark's dad drove.

    MOM! Out of all the questions she could have asked it had to be this one! All we got was a cheap black shirt and hat to cover the bra and we put it in a large bag so it didn't look like we had another bag inside of it. But NO! My own mother just had to ask that freaking question!

    " know...stuff" I told her with a slightly shaky voice.

    "Honey are you alright your voice is a little shaky, do you want to take something?" all I could think...SAY YES DODGE HER FREAKING QUESTION! SAY FREAKING YES!

    "N-YES! I said yes I fell ill take me home or something...bleh" I told my mom. She gave me a weird look and thought that it was because I was sick so she shrugged it off, THANK YOU MOTHER, and we drove to our house.

    We got home and I got into my pajamas and Mark took the bra out of the bag making sure no one saw him do it. How smart and careful he is. SUCKS THAT HE IS GOING TO BE MY NEW FREAKING BROTHER! Well he hid the bra and gave his dad a big hug.

    "Hey son, what cha doing?" Mark's dad asked with a smile on his face "Pshh whaaaat I cant hug my own father?" Mark said being cute! Well while he was saying that he slipped the bra into his dad jean pocket and gave a tight squeeze so he could feel Mark putting the bra in his pocket. Mark let his dad go and we both walked up into my room. We closed the door and laughed.

    "So how will your mom find it?" Mark asked me as he sat on a bean bag chair I had in my huge room while I sat on my bed.

    "My mom does the laundry every Sunday when she had the chance and guess what day it is...SUNDAY!" I said throwing my hands in the air.

  "O.K everyone I'm doing the laundry in five minutes!" my mom yelled.

    "Its fine honey you don't need to wash my coat its not too dirty. It can wait!" I herd Marks dad yell. Mark and I almost had a heart attack! We had to come up a really good plan and one fast.

    "Hey they think your sick...right?" Mark asked me.


    "Well if you sneezed on my dads coat then he would have to wash it!" I didn't have time to thank Mark. I ran down stairs seeing Mark's dad with his coat still on.

    "Hey th-th-th-there!" I said acting like a sneezed all over his coat.

    "Honey never mind I don't think I'm going to wait I think I should have it washed now!" Mark's dad yelled.

    He gave his coat to my mom, kissed her on the cheek like perv, and then walked away. Mark and I watched this masterpiece of chaos slowly unfold.

    "Oh, there's something in his jacket, he must have left his wallet or something. Don't want to wash that" My mom reached into the pocket to find the bra that we placed. We were so happy and wanted to leap for joy! 

    "HONEY!" my mom yelled. Mark and I laughed and smirked in the distance. Mark's dad ran over and saw what my mom was holding.

    "Is that new? It doesn't look your size honey?"

    "Why was this in YOUR COAT POCKET!" My mom yelled. Mark and I were waiting for her to say the magic words of I'm Breaking Up With You! or operation I.B.U.W.Y. My mom told him "How did you know I was getting surgery!?" She said with a smile on her face.


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