Plan 3?

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  "Babe! How did you know I was getting surgery! I didn't tell anyone about it" my mom said giving him a hug. I could not belie my freaking eyes! Not because we planted evidence that made Mike's dad look like a cheater but because that wasn't the bra that we bought!

  Let me explain to you guys the bra we bought. It was black and lacy and big. This one was black AND RED with no lace! Mike and I were in a complete state of shock! Like why in the world would his dad be cheating on another girl. We both ran into my room closed the door and did what any person in their right mind would do. FREAK OUT!!!

  "What was that!" I yelled at him.

  "I don't know I mean like that wasn't ours!" Mike yelled back at me.

  "Ok we need to put operation get our parents to break up so we can become a couple again and start operation where did that bra come from!" I yelled at him.

  "Fine. How will we follow him without him noticing us?" OMG! Mike if your reading this right now then give me 1,000,000 dollars because YOU ARE AN IDOIT!

  "YOUR HIS SON!!" I yelled at him to only see his face turn a bright satisfying red.

  "Right. Here we are going on a guys weekend in a few days.  I personally hate doing these things because we just drive in a car to a swamp and pass all the cool things. I will pretend to be sick to the point that we will have to stay home but not go to the doctors or anything"

  "So when you are home and sick in bed he will have to invite some chick to his house!" I said and boy was I happy. A perfect plan was just falling into our hands! This is awesome!

"Why don't I join you guys!" Take that Kanye West I AM THE GENUIS! "So we have double the evidence that your dad is a dirty cheating..."

"Watch it this is my cheating dad your talking about!" Mike said cutting me off. But we did agree and just had to talk to his dad.

We walked downstairs to see the most horrifying things in the world! It was like a slug with hair and made the most disgusting noise!! Ok maybe it was just our parents making out but it was still super gross and Mike and I hated to see that. We thought that is was the wrong time to talk so we watched TV in my room until they stopped kissing. Once they did we ran downstairs. I was thinking of that song where you would here a guy say RUN and then crazy music would come on...until I tripped. I got up and Mike and I asked his dirty lying cheap rotten father who was a few words I want to say but I would have to keep this at least PG-13 so yeah...

"Hey there DAD" I told him to make him feel good...when he should feel freaking DEATH! "So I heard you two are having a guys weekend or something like that. Anyways I would love to join you two! You know to get to know you better and if mom has anything to do she could do it while we are all gone!" I said with a huge grin on my face.

"Well...Mike how..." The dirty liar was talking before Mike cut him off.


"Mike you didn't le..."

"YES!" Mike wanted to shut him up so bad. LOL.

"Mike you nee..."

"YES!" Mike said as he ran upstairs.

"Were going to talk about this young man!" His dad yelled as he ran.

"So is that a YES or a no because if it is a no my heart will break into two knowing that I will never have a strong relationship with a father figure! Knowing that I may never get to know you as good as my mother or as Mike! So will I go?" I said being as dramatic as I could be.

"Yes go and pack your bags" Cheater said. I MEAN Mikes dad. I said thanks and run upstairs into Mike. I gave him a thumbs up and we went into my room to wait for the weekend to come. We started packing.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2017 ⏰

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