You made a hole in my heart when you left
You made a hole in my mind when you left
You made a hole in my soul when you left
You took away my life when you leftI'm not asking you to give any of it back
All I'm asking is for you to give a bit of
Your heart, a bit of your mind, a bit of your
Soul and a bit of your life
For me to keep all to myself.I loved you always
I love you now
I'll get over it
There's nothing to worry aboutIt's just that spending so much time with you
Has made me a bit evil too
Now all I want is to watch you hurt
The way that you made me hurtYou're never more lonely
Than when you're in love
Because the heart has a longing
That can be fulfilled by only oneLove - it gives you the one desire
That you'll do anything to calm
For it gives you more pain
And torture than any other to fight off.A/N: Opinions? :)