There is so much joy
In simply being quiet,
Silent, and listening,
Sensing and feeling.Not too little
And not too less,
Yet just enough
To be your best.The world maybe chaotic,
But in chaos there is peace
As in the core of the tornado,
Right there in its eye,In the centre of all the chaos,
There is a silence,
A space from which to see everything,
All the noise of the surroundings,All the unnecessary panic,
The dread, the fear,
The tension, the destruction,
The death.But death isn't something to be afraid of.
Your soul never dies,
It is only the body that is shed,
Like a snakeskin.Back to the eye
Of the tornado now.
Isn't it just like
The position of a human heart?The soul, the heart, the inner self,
It gazes at the pandemonium
In the mind of the man,
Born of the thoughts
Which were born of more thoughts
And more thoughts and more thoughts
And so on...All unnecessary little things to think about
Because man has forgotten that doing nothing isn't bad,
But it isn't easy anymore either.
Doing and thinking nothingIs now a break from the hustle
Of our newly born terrifying world.
It is like going back to the time
When peace was common,When our ancestors lived,
When the wise ones weren't known as wise,
Because wisdom is in the wholeness of all people,
Not in us individually, but in us together,
In God.There is so much joy
In simply being quiet,
Silent, and listening,
Sensing and feeling.Not too little
And not too less,
Yet just enough
To be your best.---
A/N- Here's another one...
Hope you like it! :)-V.