
2.5K 68 59

Get up.
Step up.
Man up.
Toughen up.
Rise up
But don't give up.


"When did you guys get back?" A kind of jumpy North Carolina asked.

"Early this morning," They all said, Canada checked his watch, "Which was like 4 or 5 hours ago."

"How much caffine did you all drink this morning?" Diego asked.

"Well, we didn't know that you were back already and were preparing to start tracking your phones again so we had like over........ 3 pounds," Washington State said.

Quebec ran over to them, "Never pull that disappering act on me, I mean us, again."

Alfred laughed and ruffled his hair, "Don't worry bro. We'll explain what happened but first we all need food."

Maria put down Hawaii, Honlulu, and Alaska. The three little girls all walked into the gaming room to join their North American Capital Brothers, D.C., Mexico City, and Ottawa and watch them as they played video games.

Hawaii tugged at D.C.'s pants leg, he paused the game and looked down, "What's up munchkin?"

"Alfie, Mattie, Mar, and D are back," she said.

Mexico City took off running while D.C. and Ottawa just calmly got up and walked out the room.

Mexico City ran up and tackled Diego down before grabbing him by the collar, "Don't you ever do that to us again!! We thought you were kidnapped!! We sent a SWAT Team and everything to track you down!!"

Diego laughed and sat up, "Don't worry hermano, we weren't planning on the meeting taking so long. We'll explain everything at breakfast."

D.C. walked over, he nodded at Alfred, "What's up Al?" And walked to the fridge to get some yogurt.

America nodded back, "Hey bro, we're about to eat soon. So don't spoil your appetite."

"Okay," D.C. grabbed Mexico Ciity's leg, dragged him off of Diego and back to the gaming room.

Ottawa walked over to Canada, "Pancakes?"

His brother nodded, "Pancakes."

"That's all I needed to know," Ottawa turned around and walked back to the gaming room.

"So..." Calforina said as she did Baja Calfornia's hair, "How was the meeting?" She asked.

"Interesting," Her countries siblings all said.

"Can somebody please make food!?!?!" Michoacan yelled from the floor, "All this talking about eating and I still haven't had anything to eat!!!"

Lousiana walked into the kicthen, "I'm on it."

"Lousie, make fried chicken!!!" New York and Rhode Island yelled.

"And gumbo!!!" New Hamshipre yelled.

"There's alot of people here, I'm gonna need help," Their sister responded.

Portland, Seattle, Maryland, Colima, Sonara, and Victoria all walked into the kicthen to join their sister.


After about 35 minutes, the girls came out of the kicthen and set the table with food. As soon as they did, most of their brothers rushed to the table.

"So.." Miami said, "What happened at the meeting for you guys to be gone for like five days?"

North America looked at each other, to see who wanted to explain, Canada decided to.

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