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Don't cry over the past, it's gone. Don't stress about the future, it hasn't arrived.
Live in the present and make it beautiful.


Spain walked down the hallway and saw a figure against the wall. He squinted his eyes to see who/ what it was, it was now dark so he couldn't see that well.



He saw America jumped and look around before seeing him, "Oh hey Pap- Spain!"

Spain walked over and sat against the wall right next to him, "Are you okay?"

Yes..... No....... I don't know.

"Yeah," He said in a hushed voice.

Spain looked at his son with a worried expression, "You sure?"

No..... I don't know. 

"Yeah," This time, the reply came out in a quieter voice and sounded more like a whimper in a way.

Spain of course, caught this, "No, your not," He said in a fatherly concerned way, "What's wron-"

"I'm fine Spain," Alfred said sounding unsure.

"America, talk to me.... please," Spain said now begging for his son to let him in.

'You sound like you actually care,'  Alfred thought.

Not knowing that he had voiced his thoughts out loud.

This took Spain back, "Why wouldn't I? Give me one really good reason."

America was quiet and looked at the ground.

"Exactly. Tell me what's wrong," He begged again, "I'm not asking you as Spain to America," He tilted America's chin up to look at him, "I'm asking you as your father, who cares about you very much," He said.

Will you hurt me again? Please don't lie to me.

"I- I," Alfred started.

Spain waited for him to speak, he noticed that Alfred looked a bit scared or nervous.

"I'm talking to you as your so-............" He stopped, was this how Spain was trying to get closer to him only to stab him in the back later? No, he couldn't let that happen,  "I'm fine," He said getting up, voice cracking a bit, "I'll see you later Spain," He walked out the hallway as Spain just sadly watched him.

That boy was not okay.

Alfred walked upstairs to his room and laid on the bed, he sighed and looked at the ceiling, "As your son..... I just want to know if you mean what you said," He said sadly before reaching over, turning off the lights, and laying back down, "Please do," He whimpered.


Now the countries were all downstairs, well actually, expect for one. America.

France walked over to Spain, "Have you talked to Amerique lately? I haven't seen him down here."

Spain nodded, "He's-" He sighed, "Something's wrong with him, he's really sad- no scared for some reason. I tried to get him to open up but he didn't, no actually it was like he wanted too but just held himself back."

France sighed and nodded, "When I went to talk to North America at the meeting, he seemed a bit stressed out and was barely speaking at all."

Spain shook his head, "He's holding himself back from opening up, he probably doesn't trust us enough to tell us anything."

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