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Zafra was discharged, after a week of observation. She was depressed, she lost her interest in everything, she became a gloomy person. Like a moving and breathing body, without any soul. Its not an easy thing to forget, who we have been attached with our heart for five months, and all our hopes were collapsed in just blink of an eye.

Jamal observed her behaviour, its hard for him too. He also lost his blood, his flesh. But Zafra was making even more harder for him. After a month of her discharge, he thought to tell her, about the reports. But after witnessing her behaviour, he changed his decision of enlightening her with the truth.

He thought that its better for her be unaware of it, before she completely lost her sanity, due to another heart break. He was being patient, he has to been, but Jamal was also hurt. He put his hurt aside and tried each and everything to bring his Zafi back.

Zafra started to fall down from her faith, she started to be in her own world. She gradually stopped reciting qur'an, even in salah, she always cries in sujood, during dua'a. Jamal got tensed at her drastic change, she was slowly drowning herself in grief and depression.

Jamal tried to cheer her up, but it all goes to drain. One day, when Jamal came from his work. He saw, she was sitting in a corner of thier room, hugging her knees close to her chest, dipping her head between legs and crying.

When he went close to her, she was a mess, he quickly hugged his wife, sway back and forth, with her in his arms. The next morning, he woke her up for tahajjud salah. They offered salah together. Jamal went to offer fajr salah in mosque. When he came back from mosque, he brought a tafseer-e-qura'an.

He make her to promise, she would recite daily small part of qur'an with tafseer. He thought, nothing was more relaxing than His words. Those were the words; what Zafra needed now. Her pain can only be cured by His words, neither any medicine nor any psychological therapy can cure her depression and her broken heart.

She need her creators words, to mend her broken heart.

"Verily, with every difficulty, there is relife."


Its been a year to that incident, Zafra was doing good, she started to behave normal, daily she would recite qur'an with tafseer to her husband. Before, they went to bed. She was doing well, acting normal with Jamal.

Jamal was very happy, finally his Zafi was back. Though, there was still void in their hearts, he left it, for time being. He cried silently, in salah to his creator. He prayed for his wife, to lessen her pain. She still didn't know anything about the reports. He didn't know, how to tell her about it. It would surely break her to great extent.

Zafra was cleaning the house, she started to work on thier wardrobe. When something fell from Jamal's side of wardrobe, from his clothes. She absentmindedly, took it from the floor. She stopped in middle, when she came across her name on the file.

She take a look of the file, she keep it in its place. But, something provoke her to read it. When she came across the contents in the file. The whole world came crashing down on her. She collapsed on the floor, with tears in her eyes.

She felt betrayed.

He knows all along, but didn't even care to inform her. Its very important and big thing. The news which was related to her.

She felt glad, she got degree in biology, she easily understood the reports.

Its been a month, she learned about her never going to conceive. But this time, she didn't fall from her faith, instead she embraced herself in her creator and in his remembrance. She didn't confront Jamal, but her way of behaviour with him changed.

Jamal observed her, change of behaviour with him. She would only answer, when he would address her. Other than that, she didn't even spoke a word to him. He oftentimes, heard her muffled cries, during tahajjud time, her croaked whispers to her lord. His heart constrict, whenever a sob escape from her lips.

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