Chapter Ten

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When I arrived at school, I headed straight for my locker, to get my things.

After doing so, I realized that I was supposed to help Ash. Ah! How could I possibly forget?!

Quickly, I pulled out my phone, and called Ash.

"Hey Clemont." I heard Ash say.

"Hey. Where are you?" I asked.

"Nera the gym... I'm a bit lost. Can you help me?" Ash asked.

"That's why I'm calling. I'm on my way now. Don't move!" I said, before ending the call.

I then ran down the hallways to head to the gym.

How could I be so stupid as to forget about Ash needing my help!?

Near the gym, I found Ash, standing around. I quickly ran up to him.

"Ash, I'm so sorry forgetting about helping you." I apologized.

"It's fine. I thought I could find my locker on my own. Guess I couldn't." Ash admitted.

I took a sigh of relief. Glad Ash's not mad...

"Well, let me lead you to your locker." I said, before leading Ash to his locker.

When we arrived at Ash's locker, Ash attempted to get his locker open, and actually succeeded!

"Yay! I did it!" Ash excitingly said.

"Great job Ash." I said.

"Thanks! You're too nice, Clemont." Ash said, while proceeding to get his things for class from his locker.

Meanwhile, I was blushing at Ash's words.

Ash soon slammed his locker shut, and we headed to math class.

As we were heading to math class, we bumped into Dawn. She scowled, before smiling.

"Just the guy I was looking for. It's Friday. I'm hoping you brought me my treats." Dawn said, completely focusing on me.

I froze in place.

I completely forgot about making Dawn her treats, in return for not being beaten up by the football players. I'm screwed!

"Hey Clemont, what's Dawn talking about?" Ash asked, while facing me.

"Uh, well, you see... I make treats for Dawn because... She's nice... And..." I mumbled, not sure how to explain how I'm bullied by almost every student in this school in some way.

Ash frowned, before turning to Dawn.

"Clemont will not be making treats for you anymore. And any threats that you've made to him will not be followed through." Ash confidently said.

... Ash...

Dawn frowned.

"Look Ash, you're new, so I'll help you out. Clemont's an outcast. You, on the other hand, have potential to be popular. So, why do you continue to defend and hang out with this... Freak?" Dawn asked, emphasizing on 'freak.'

I frowned, knowing that what Dawn was saying was true.

I then saw Ash frown.

"You are just as bad as Serena. It's people like you that make me hate the idea of being popular. If being with an outcast means being an outcast as well then so be it. Screw being popular." Ash confidently said, before grabbing my hand, and dragging me away.

After we had turned the corner, I pulled away.

"Why is it that you care about me so much? Dawn's right; I'm an outcast..." I said, avoiding Ash's gaze.

"Clemont... I can't explain it, okay!? But I feel the need to defend you; to take care of you. Plus, I can't see why you're an outcast. You seem like an amazing person." Ash said.

Upon hearing this, I blushed.

My crush... Called me an 'amazing person' ...

But then memories of why I was an outcast came flooding back to me.

It wasn't because I was so into someone; though that was part of it. For as long as I can remember, I've always been into guys. I don't know why, but I never liked girls. They just don't interest me. Because of this, people made fun of me.

That's why I pretended to like girls, and tried to create a crush on Serena. But that just didn't work. Serena quickly abused me... No wonder I'm into guys...

That's when I began to cry, worrying about what would happen if Ash learned that I like guys. Would he think of me as a freak!?

That's when my panic attack began. My breathing became heavy, and my vision became blurry. My thoughts only went further and further into despair, as I fell to the ground.

"Clemont!" I heard Ash say.

I could barely see him dip down to see what was wrong with me. That's sweet. But, I couldn't focus on that; my thoughts were consuming me.

"Clemont! Snap out of it! Everything will be fine!" I heard Ash shout, probably bringing attention to us.

Another thing to worry about; people seeing me like this. This only made my breathing get faster, and soon enough... I blacked out...

Later, my fellow readers! =^-^=

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