☁️ Special! Scenarios! Naruto X Reader

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I felt like doing something special for you guys, I made you wait.

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When You Meet

"Sakura-chan~ where are you taking me?" I whine.

"You'll find out!"


She throws me onto the seat, and takes the seat next to me.

There are 2 boys, one, with black spiky hair, that's shaped in a ducks butt. He looks emo, but cool.

The other has gravity defying blonde spiky hair. He has whiskers on his tan cheeks and a hug every grin.

"OHAYO SAKURA-CHAN!!!" He yells.

"Naruto." She grumbles.

"(Y/N)-chan! This is Sasuke-kun~, this is Naruto! This is (Y/N)!"

"Nice to meet you..."


I check my watch.

"I've gotta go, I'm past curphew!" I yell, "nice meeting you, Sasuke, Naruto!"

When You Meet Again

I check the list my mom gave me to do shopping. Ramen? Where do I find that?

"Oi! You're Sakura-chan's cute friend!" I hear someone say. I look up and see the blonde from the other day. Nardo... Nardudo? Natuto? Naruto!

"Ohayo, Naruto-Kun!" I blush when I realize he called me cute.

"You think I'm cute...?"

"AHH... UMM... NO!! UHH... I GOTTA GO!" He runs away, I chuckle.

When You Exchange Phone Numbers

I bump into someone.

"Oh, sorry."

"Hey, it's you again!" I hear the person say. I look up and see Naruto, again. Damn my shortness!!!

"Hello, Naruto." I say.

"Hi! Wanna exchange phone numbers?"


I give him my phone and he gives me his. I type my number in and give it back a souvenir he does the same.

"Sweet, gotta go, bye!"


When He Thinks About You

"Hey, Sakura-chan?" Naruto asks the pink-ette.

"What do you want?" She asks, annoyed.

"How's (Y/N)-chan doing?"

Sakura's annoyed expression wipes off, into a smug grin.

"Why, do you like her?" She teases.



"Is she doing well....?"

"Yeah, she is."


When He Draws You

'I'M SO BORED!!!' Naruto yells in his mind.

He blocks out the teacher and takes out a pencil and paper. He taps the pencil on the paper not knowing what to draw. He ends up doodling.

"Oi, Naruto! What are you doing?" Iruka-sensei yells, picking up the paper and looking at it.

"Hey! Give it back!" He growls.

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