ckeek up part 1

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No one's pov


The voice was distant and barely audible, but it had reached Lucy's ears clear as day. The blonde had been laying in bed for the majority of the day, curled up in a comfy little burrito made of her sheets and blankets as she fell asleep, woke up and then repeated the process. This time she had just woken up for the 3rd time this morning, her eyes blinking as she tried to adjust to the gray sun that had been beaming from her window.

"Mm...?" Lucy murmured groggily, stirring just a little but not emerging from her comfy warm cocoon. The voice called out to her again and this time she couldn't ignore it. She forced herself to sit up and let the blankets fall off of her, causing her to shiver from the sudden cold air that surrounded her house.

Lucy hugged herself as she sighed, reaching a hand up to rub her temple as she felt a twinge of pain shoot through her head like a bullet. Ugh, a headache. Lucy groaned and shut her eyes tight in an attempt to subdue it.

It wasn't as if headaches were a weird thing to experience, it's just the fact that she had been getting them constantly for the past few days sins being sick and Lucy was beginning to tire of having to chug down countless pills to stop it. After hearing the voice for a third time, there had been a knock on the door just a few minutes later and Lucy grumbled as she fumbled to get out of bed.

"Coming." She spoke as she slipped on the frozen slippers which sat near the edge of her bed before she headed over to the door, her blanket still wrapped around her shoulders as she shivered from her sickness. Her shaking hand reached for the knob and took a hold of it, turning it before cracking the door open slightly.

"Lu-chan there you are!"

"Levy? What are you doing here?"

"I came to check on you, idiot." Levy spoke as she put her hands behind her back innocently, smiling to her in a warm way as she did to everyone. Levy had a nice smile, Lucy couldn't think of a moment she didn't see the female smiling aside from when she got into her books and writing.

The smile would soon fade however when the bluenette noticed how drained and tired she had looked. "You look sicker than yesterday!" She couldn't help but shout out, but soon clasped a hand over her mouth as she looked to her apologetically for her outburst.

Lucy simply sighed, closing her eyes when she did. "I know, I feel awful too." She grumbled, clutching the blanket that had been wrapped around her shoulders tighter to cover her body even more.

"I felt I should check on you, Mira, juvia, bisca, Cana, Wendy and erza are worried about you." Levy spoke with concern in her voice that reminded her a lot like a mothers. "Everyone sends their regards though, they've all been Christmas shopping and haven't had time to come see you." She then stated as she twirled a blue strand of her hair on her finger, the hair being much longer then it was years ago.

It was true, the guild was busier then ever and Christmas shopping had been popping up left and right, the members couldn't let that go to waste. Erza had been on a shopping spree for a couple of weeks now, she had taken Wendy and Carla with her for more experience while Gray, Natsu, and Happy had gone their seperate ways to get there presents.

Lucy would simply nod, a small smile appearing on her facial features as she looked back to the frantic script mage. "That's alright, I've just been here... dying in my bed." She jokingly said, but it aroused no laugh from Levy.

"Lu-chan don't say that!" She exclaimed, she was such a worry wart. "You've been sick for 2 whole day now, you should go see porlyusica." Levy would nod once, crossing her arms in a matter of fact way.

"I don't need to see porlyusica, the medicine I have now is FINE, Levy." Lucy grumbled, looking down to the ground with a pout. As much as she hated to admit it, she was terrifed of porlyusica  and if she had medicine that could solve the problem she would avoid porlyusica like a plague. She also had Wendy to help her out, she didn't need to go through all that trouble.

"You always say that and then you end up worse." Levy retored, raising an eyebrow at this.

Lucy kicked the ground a bit with her slipper, fumbling with the edges of the covers that rested on her shoulders before she looked back up to Levy.

"Fine, If I get worse I'll go to porlyusica ." She then said. "Deal?"

"Deal, but you have to keep it!"

"I will, you know I keep promises."

The two females would begin to laugh and giggle at their little exchange before another shiver shook Lucy to the core. "Uwah, this sucks..." Lucy whined clutching the blanket tighter. She didn't let it get the best of her however and she was reminded of why Levy was here in the first place.

"Ah, that reminds me Lu-chan." It wasn't too late before Levy had spoken up again, putting her hands together as a wide smile spread across her face. This concerned Lucy, as she only got this smile whenever she had an idea or plan to do something.

"I went shopping the other day to get Christmas presents for everyone," Levy began, closing her eyes as she explained herself to the celestial mage which stood at the door still in her pjs looking like a mess. "You'll never guess what I got for gajeel."

Lucy brought her hand up to her chin to rub it as started to think of the possibilities, a iron ring? Or rather, iron bars itself? Iron? Or just jewels?

"Ahhh I can't think clearly right now," Lucy said defeated. "What was it?"

Levy pulled out a nekless that had an iron cross on it."its really pretty levy." Lucy said as she sneezed in her hand
This got Levy's attention she raised her hand and put it on Lucy's forehead."Lucy I'm going to get Mira I want her to have a look at you." Before Lucy could say anything levy dashed off leaving lucy on her own she went back inside her apartment she felt light headed as she walked over to her bed. She felt hot and sweaty and very tired."why should I get better I mean I always try to avoid Christmas." She stated as she fell asleep darkness over taking her eyes.

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