Part 5

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You soon paid the check and you said bye to Gwen when Darren offered to bring you home...

You got back to your apartment door and you stood there, looking at Darren.

You knew you were intoxicated- you really shouldn't have drank that much- and you felt dizzy.

He was looking you expectantly, and you couldn't help but notice his eyes not keeping contact with yours.

Instead, they were looking elsewhere...

Darren cleared his throat, and suddenly your eyes flickered to his full lips.


And suddenly, the distance between you was closing as you got closer and closer and your lips met.

But, you were disappointed to say...

there was no magic in this kiss.

You pulled away and kissed him again- maybe there would be some sort of magic in it- but there wasn't any.

The kiss gave you hardly any feeling at all- it didn't even make your heart flutter...Was that a bad thing?

Darren suddenly pulled away from the kiss, "Is something wrong?"

You shook your head, and instead wrapped your arms around him and pulled him in for another kiss.

He stepped forward and your back hit the door, his body pressing against yours.

You HAD to feel SOMETHING, you thought as you continued to kiss him.

What was happening to you...? you thought.

Finally, he pulled away. "I think we better call it a night," he said.

"No...don't leave..." you begged.

Why, though?

You didn't feel anything when he kissed you- what made you think that was going to change?

You reached out and grabbed his wrist lightly so he wouldn't walk away as you unlocked your apartment door.

The door soon swung open and you stepped inside, turning around to face him.

You reached for your neck and slowly took off your scarf.

The sweater you were wearing underneath was very low cut *hence the scarf* but you knew you could win him over.

You took a step forward, staring him right in the eyes. He had great difficulty in keeping eye contact with you, and his eyes flickered down to your partially exposed chest.

"Come on, Darren..." you begged your words slurring a little, "Let's have a little fun..."

And with that, he could no longer resist as he stepped in closer and kissed you roughly, kicking the door closed behind him.

And finally, you were feeling something.

Something very strong, and you were glad it was still there. He backed you into a wall and pressed his body against yours, kissing you harder as your heart hammered in your chest. But after too short of a time, he pulled away.

"You have a big day need some sleep..." he said, turning away from you.

"Fine," you said with a pouting expression because you knew there was no arguing with him.

He turned back around, gave you a light kiss, said "goodnight, i love you."

And for once when you opened your mouth to say the words back, you stumbled over them, "i-i l-love y-you t-too..."

and it wasn't just due to the alcohol.

520 words

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