Part 10

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You sat at a table with the rest of the cast (Chris Pine, Danielle Panabaker, Colin Firth, Julia Roberts, other unknown people- IK, weird combination but get over it) sipping another glass of wine and almost spitting it out as Sebastian said something funny.

He looked over at you with a laugh and you couldn't help but roll your eyes, joining in the laughter.

As you took another sip of the wine, you could tell that it was taking a toll on yourself.

Your vision wasn't quite as clear and whenever you spoke, your words tied together.

You were giggling uncontrollably and Sebastian looked at you in amusement.

"Okay, (y/n) is definitely a fun drunk... i think we should ask her questions and see how she responds," Danielle says with a smile, as if you weren't even in the room.

The truth was, you didn't even realize what she was saying- you just stared at the cast in bewilderment.

" what should we ask her?" asks Chris Pine with a mischievous smile.

You looked over at him, confused.

"Come on, let's not torture the poor girl," Colin says, and you look over at him with curiosity.

Who was he talking about?

"Ooh i got it!! (y/n)," Chris pine says, and you swivel your head to look over at him.

"What?" you ask.

"If you had to sleep with one cast member, who would it be?" he asked with a grin.

"Well I don't go sleeping around, but in this case it's special. Definitely Sebastian," you said, your words slurring, giving Seb, who was beside you, a playful nudge and laughing.

"But Chris, you'd definitely be my second option," you added with a wink.

You didn't even realize the words were coming out before it was too late, and you laughed it off.

This alcohol was messing with your really needed to shut your big mouth.

Chris gets a hoot out of your answer and Sebastian turns the color of your red wine...

You wonder why he's blushing- was it something you said?

You honestly couldn't even remember the last thing you said...
"When did you have your first kiss?" asks Danielle.

"I was in 8th grade and the boy i liked took me outside and behind the bleachers during lunch to tell me a 'secret.' We ended up making out and missed half of my next class, but it was worth it," you said with a giggle, taking another sip of your wine.

You looked over at Sebastian and he looked oddly uncomfortable.


"Ooh i read something online about asking this to a drunk person," spoke up Chris, "(y/n), on a scale of 1 to 10, what's your favorite color in the alphabet?"

"(y/n), don't listen to these dorks," Julia interrupts with a shake of her head, a smile still on her lips though.

A second later, Chris was saying your name again and you turn your head back to him.

"So is it true that you like Sebastian even though you have a boyfriend?" he asks.

"Okay, that's enough," Sebastian says, standing up, "Let's go, (y/n)."

He grabs your arm and pulls you up and you fall against him, and he steadies you.

"Come on, we were only having a little fun, It was just a few jokes," Chris said lightheartedly.

"yeah whatever but i probably should get her home..." sebastian replies, turning away with you after waving goodbye to the cast.

As soon as you're gone, you hear someone crack a joke and they're all hollering again.

"Where are we going?" you asked him drowsily as he supported you while walking back to his car which was parked outside.

"Where do you live?" he asks.

" am i supposed to remember?" you asked with a giggle.

You got to his car and he set you down gently into the seat. As his hands touched the seatbelt to buckle you in, he was super close to you.

"Sebastian you're pretty close there, bud," you said with a grin right after he buckled you, and he jerked back, hitting his head on the roof of the car.

He cursed and clutched his head, rubbing it as he made sure you were in the car and shut the door.

He came around to the driver's seat and hopped in.

"So, where's you address?" he asked.

"Ummm," your voice trailed off.

You couldn't even remember where you lived?!

"Is there anyone on your phone who knows where you live?" he asked, getting impatient.

"I'm not giving you my phone...I don't t-trust y-you," you said drowsily.

"Well if you want to get back home then you're going to have to," he replies.

"What if i want to stay with you," you whined.

Your thoughts felt so fogged up right now and you were trying to think clearly but it was impossible.

"You're taken, (y/n)," he said sternly.

"I am?" you replied. "(y/n)!! this needs to stop!! what's your address?? i need to get you home!!" he was getting very impatient with you, and you wondered why.

you weren't doing anything wrong?

"i'm sorry," the words came out a whisper, and he looked over at your face which had saddened.

"I'm sorry, (y/n), i just want to go to bed and i don't even think you can think clearly right now and i'm trying to be patient but you're impossible..." he trails off, "Can i please see your phone?"

"You can get it yourself," you said, handing him your purse as you slouched in the seat.

He pulls out your phone and calls people but nobody answers and he can't figure out your number either.

"Okay i'm pretty sure i have it written down back at my we can make a quick stop," he says, finally starting the car and driving.

Your eyes drift shut and suddenly you open them and you're in the garage of his house and he's opening the door to let you out.

You try to step out on you own but fail, falling forward and into his arms yet again.

He supports you with his arms and pulls you up, wrapping an arm around your waist as you steady and he guides you into the house.

When he opens the door, there is a hallway which leads to a big main room with couches and a huge TV and a fireplace.

"Wait here on the couch while i go find your address," he says, and you sit down, your eyelids becoming heavier and heavier.

The couch was so felt like you were melting into it...and slowly but surely you felt yourself fall asleep...

You opened your eyes and you were in pitch darkness. Your head was throbbing and it took you a moment to realize that you were in your bed.

At home.


You glanced at the clock.


The last thing you remembered was at the'd you get home?

You quickly made sure that there was no one in the bed with you and there wasn't, thankfully.

Who took you home, though?

All you knew is that you were too tired to let it bother you too much, and you slowly drifted back to sleep...

1222 words

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