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¨Everyone is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Be kind. Always¨

1524 Words 


    ¨Mama, mama,mama...¨ that was all Jase could say as I buckled in his seat belt for his car seat. I stepped back, slammed the door, opened my door and got in. I closed my door, turned on my ignition and pulled out of the driveway. I sighed and bit my lip, feeling stressed and tired as usual. I drove to Scarlet's place with enough time to spare. Scarlet came to the car door, opened it, and reached over to grab Jase whose seat belt was already unbuckled. She closed the door, picked up Jase and stepped back. I look over and smiled as her and my son waved me goodbye. And with that, I was off.

    I parked the car, turned it off and sat back. I looked around and, like in high school, I was three minutes late. I get out of the car and tried to calm down a bit before I started walking into my past. I see a banner and notice that no one was in the building except for the same old security guards. I walk over to the doors that lead to the courtyard and started walking down the same stone pavement with the same benches that still say ¨Class of 2015¨. I looked up and smiled, reliving the similar sensation I always got when I was in the courtyard. Annoyance.

I felt right back in high school as if I never left. The clouds were lazily sliding past each other as the sky became a beautiful fluorescent purple with a pink-orangish ombre tone. I continue walking and I look to see at all the people who graduated in 2020. Maybe thirty or so people are in the middle of the courtyard.

Once I make it over,  I stand near the back and listen to Ms. Héla. She was talking about how she is proud and very happy to see and hear that her class of 2020 is doing great (as far as she knows). After she's done, she moves away and everyone goes back to their conversations. I go by the food,  grab a cupcake and sit on of the benches. I looked around and saw no one that I could recognize. Before looking away, this guy caught my eye. He looked somewhat familiar and is attractive and was staring at me while talking. I felt my phone buzz and so I had to look down, seeing so many emails that needed responses. I was about to call and check in with Scarlet but I got interrupted.

"Wow", someone said. I look up and see it was that guy who was staring at me.

"W-w-what", I stuttered surprised.

"You look absolutely gorgeous Xena,  as always", the guy sat down next to me smiling.

"Oh thank y-you...?" I replied confused.

"You don't remember me? Did I change that much? I guess I don't blame you considering I stopped talking to you¨, he looked away laughing to himself.

He then pulls out a silver chain. He puts it on and looks at me.

"So....? Do you remember me now?" He asked.

I looked at him and he started to look kind of disappointed.

"Ahh!" I gasp and giggled a little. He looked at me confused and worried.

"What's wrong? Is everything alright? Gosh, I'm so sorr-" before he finishes his sentence, I poked his cheek and said "Hey Noel".

He smiled and laughed a little. He grabbed me by the waist and gave me a big hug. I smiled and hugged back.

"I've missed you Xeni. A lot." He said pulling away, grinning.

"Awe, I miss-se-ed you-u to-o-o Noel" I stuttered while moving away a bit.

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