I've had quite a day.

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Where do I begin. First of all, every Tuesday for activity period we have this stupid freshman academy, where in short terms, two seniors basically tell us how to "make good choices". I can sum up how the whole thing went with one simple emoji:😴 Seriously, I'd rather do chores for 6 hours straight than to listen to that bore fest which is supposed to be "fun". I ALMOST FELL ASLEEP! THAT'S HOW BORING IT IS! Adrielle_Star looked like she was about to dose off as well. A bunch of my other friends including reputations hated it as well. They should really just get rid of this. Then we have my engineering class, where me and my partner are doing individual projects, only to have mine not save! DESPITE THE FACT THAT I HIT THE SAVE BUTTON 3 F***ING TIMES!!! You wanna know the best part though? My engineering teacher doesn't even give a sh*t. He literally just goes "oh well." Are you kidding me. You're just gonna let me and my partner get a bad grade FOR SOMETHING THAT WASN'T EVEN MY F***ING FAULT?! REALLY?! Sorry about my language, but GOD he pissed me off when he said that. I really was about to go off on him right then and there. Thankfully though, I have an unfinished file on my OneDrive so I'll just re-do what I lost at home and bring that in on Thursday. Some teachers these days though, they don't care about the students, all they care about is their goddamn paycheck.

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