Oh yeah

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Everybody (except one person) knew the whole "bomb the school" thing was fake, but get this: the boy who made the threat got arrested today, but get this: he tries to say that he was joking when the officer is arresting him. My boy. First of all, you knew you were serious when you said it and the staff know so there's no point in trying to lie your way out of it. Second, I get it. You were pissed about your grades and you needed to let of some steam. Saying that you're going to blow up the school isn't going to bring your grades up. Well congratulations kid. You not only have your own bad grades, but now you also your own charges to worry about. Thinking someone's serious but they're actually joking is one thing (my bad Adrielle_Star), but threatening to blow up a school, then saying you were joking about it afterwards is BEYOND STUPID. You got no one to blame but yourself kid. Moral of the story: think about what you're saying before you say it.

Information gathered from Adrielle_Star

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