My day.

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So first of all:Once again I had a sub in my government class. I say "once again" because he's almost never here, well at least we can have a bunch of classes where we can go on our phones. Second, someone really needs to clean up the earth science room because for TWO WEEKS STRAIGHT IT'S SMELLED LIKE VINEGAR AND ONIONS. SERIOUSLY THE FIRST TIME I ALMOST GAGGED. GET IT TOGETHER BUILDING SERVICES!

So now that that rant's outta the way, let's get to Spanish. Oh joy. How I LOOOVVVVEEEE spanish. First of all, my teacher kept on yelling at us all because we wanted to talk and do work at the same time. Then after lunch, this happens. This boy was sagging and he stood up to get something, the teacher notices and tells him to pull his pants up. Then he gets mad and says: "Bruh every time I stand up you always be lookin at my ass." Then the teacher flips out and yells at him to get out of the class. Come on, he's a sophomore! Like you're acting like you've never heard the word "ass" before! It's really not even that bad of a cuss word! I swear, sometimes it's the TEACHER who's the one being immature.

Then there's geometry. Besides the annoying girl, it was actually kinda fun. We got to play bingo and whoever won got candy and extra credit. Five people including Adrielle_Star won, and I THOUGHT I won too but one of them was wrong. I was a little triggered, I'm not gonna lie.

Well that was my day. I guess you could say it was somewhat interesting I guess.

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