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Erica,the Ballerina



"Mom!" I pursed my lips in anticipation for her response that never came,Uh Oh.She must have fallen asleep in her office huh? I looked down at my phone only to jump in shock,"It's already that late?!?" I sped up to her office door which was closed shut,"Mom! I'm gonna be late!"

I heard her groan before opening the door,she partially glared at me before reaching behind her and tossing keys at me.Thankfully I caught them."I'm going back to bed."

I laughed at her words before rushing in and kissing my dearest mom on the head,she pushed me away playfully before kissing my cheek,"Have a good day sweetheart,I won't be home for two weeks so don't wait for me when u come home.Ok?"

"Ok mom,bye!"

I scurried out the door with my ballet bag before rushing out into the streets of New York City,"God I've been here for a month already and it still feels like a dream!"

An elderly couple that lived next door heard me yell and smiled over with a polite wave,"Goodmorning Erica,are you running late again?"

I blushed shyly are I jumped down the steps to my home,"Umm,hehe,y-ya."They only laughed before ushering me over.

"We made you some breakfast,don't worry it's healthy enough for a ballerina like you,"I stared in shock at the little bento box of food they made for me.

I blushed even more before looking up at them with a genuine smile,"Thank you thank you thank you!" They only laughed before handing it over to me,"Thank you so much!"

They laughed again,"Now run along dear,ballerinas should never be late."

Oh right,I almost forgot.I looked at my phone and my eyes widened even more,"Ahh! I gotta go! See you later Mr. And Mrs. Chen!"

"Bye dear!"

I ran over to where my mom left the motorcycle,it always came as a surprise that I had one but it was quicker than walking and a thousand times quicker than owning a normal car.After turning it on I sped off in a hurry with my bag acting like a crossbody bag on my small body.I didn't have time to put a helmet on so I just prayed that nothing would happen,and thankfully nothing did.

I had parked in my schools parking lot before running into the air conditioned building with my bag now in hand.As I was running I passed by a room that was almost never open,it wasn't a dance class and honestly after seeing basically no one enter I believed it to be a storage closet.Today though it was open and my legs stopped running causing me to tumble over and onto the floor.

"What was that?" There a a shuffling of feet heard,due to this I hurried onto my two feet.

"Perhaps a little belle has fallen,"a french accent? Is there someone french at this school? Before I could answer my question the door suddenly moved,scared for what would happen I picked up my bag and ran down the hall.

"I need to get to class."

I shook my head planning in investigating that room later,right now I had to get to class and practice for the rest of the day.


I lay on the ground of my classroom with my huge waterborne resting on my stomach.My legs feel so sore,but I love dance to much to stop.As I continued to lay there in peace a sudden shadow blocking the lights in my classroom caused me to open my eyes.Looking up I saw one of my friends,my best friend Candice,we had met the first day of our tours and instantly clicked.

"Hey,are you busy tonight Erica?" After thinking about it I shook my head,my mom would be gone for two weeks.Looking over at my phone I found a text from her.

Mom: Sweetie I've boarded my plane already,remeber to eat and if you need anything ask our neighbors! I love you!

I looked up at Candice with a smile,"Nope! I'm free,what's up?"

To this Candice grabbed onto my arms and pulled me up until I was steady and standing in my legs,"Cause the seniors are having a party tonight and everyone is invited,my older sister is one of the seniors so we should have no problem hanging around with her!"

A party? Like a real awesome party! I looked down at the ground contemplating it,I really shouldn't go though,my mom would be so pissed if she found out.Looking back up at my bestie she seemed so estate about going,"I guess it wouldn't do any harm,Let's go!"

"YAY!" We both laughed and she after she texted me the directions,we promised to meet up at a local cafe before getting a ride there with her sister.

"Bye Erica,see you later!"

I waved as she walked out of the room,finally packing up my stuff I followed suit but I wasn't looking where I was going.I was too busy thinking about the party and next thing I knew I had crashed face first into someone's chest.Looking up I realized it was a girl,Shit it must be a senior! "Sorry,I wasn't looking were I was going!"

The girl with tan skin skin only sneered at me before walking away,Some seniors really don't like freshman ,huh? Biting my cheek I watched as the girl walked into a different room,it was the head masters room.I'm just gonna leave before anything happens!

Grabbing the string of my Ballet bag tightly I ran towards the parking lot and soon left to my house on my bike.This time I rememebered to put my helmet on,which was in my ballet bag,I was glad I did cause another girl on a bike suddenly appeared next to me.She was also wearing a helmet so I couldn't tell who it was but I could feel her eyes looking at me,I shivered at the feeling.Thankfully the light changed and without a second thought I sped towards my house and was met with a comfortable silence.I love New York City but I still need time to get used to it.

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