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Waking Up To Strangers



I love when its cold and I get to cuddle up to my covers.Damm,I dont even rememeber when I came home yesturday. I sighed as I wrapped myself more with my bed covers,wait a second.I quickly opened my eyes and then I sat up,through my window I noticed it was still really early in the morning.I looked all over the room making sure I was actually at home..I didn't come home yesturday! How the hell am I here?!?!

I quickly turned to face my bedroom door as a light skinned girl with blonde hair and dark eyes poked her head inside."Oh hey,you're awake! Took ya long enough,huh!" I slowly crept back against the headboard of my bed,"How are ya feeling? No hangover right? Cause if you do have one then damn,my concoction needs to be updated."

"Umm who,who are you exactly?"

She tilted her head in confusion before laughing,"Oh! You kinda knocked out at the party yesturday so my friend brought you home,you were really lucky you know! Anyway,get dressed,my friend is currentky making breakfast right now and trust me, her cooking is A-Ma-Zinggg!"

After that she slammed the door close,What the hell? "Did anything happen yesturday?"

I sat still trying to remember something,anything but the only image that came to my head was me kissing someone.To this my face turned bright red as I remembered the feeling of soft plump lips pressed against my own,it felt amazing even though it was short.My first kiss.My hand slowly reached up to touch my lips,my finger tips gliding across them.I wanted to save that for my first real and permanent relationship,but,did anything ELSE happen?

I looked down at my lap,without thinking I pulled off my bed covers to find myself in just a long pastel purple shirt I usually threw on my bedroom floor when I was lazy.Wait,who changed me?! It wasn't me,but also how'd I get home, my eyes widened. Please tell me I didn't do that yesturday.I groaned before pulling my legs to my chest and laying my forhead over my knees,"Oh god my mom's gonna kill me."

"Hey girl! Breakfast is ready!"

"Oh right,breakfast...with strangers."I sighed under my breath as I finslly got off my bed and walked towards my closet,since I had the day to myself and later I'd probabaly go practice I changed into comfortable black yoga pants and a white shirt with ice creams on it.Afterward I went through a different closet where I picked out white socks and my favorite red shoes."Guess I better head down now."

Mentally preparing myself I calmed my breathing before opening my bedroom door and poking only my head out,I looked down the hall and found no one.Her friend must be downstairs,huh.I slowly made my way down the hall and eventually I tip toed down the stairs trying to make no noise.That didn't work out as the final step decided to creek and alert the blonde girl who bounced out of the kitchen with a smile on her face.Is she always smiling?

"Awesome,you're here,"she skipped over to me and began to push me into the kitchen."My friend kinda dug through your kitchen to find something to cook so early apology if that's really weird.Anyway,she made some breakfast wraps with turkey,light cheese,some vegetable stuff and what not,if you don't like that she found stuff to make a salad that she ended up mizing with sliced up fruit."

I was really confused by how fast the preppy girl spoke but all was answered when I entered the kitchen and sat at our island in the kitchen."Woah,this looks really good."

The girl pushed my plate towards me and then pointed at a delicious looking salad with fruit,"Serve yourself as much as you want,also,orange juice or would you like some water?" I pointed at a cup of orange juice she was holding and she then placed it in front of me."Enjoy Erica!"

I had almost bit into the wrap but I lowered the wrap and looked up at her,"How do you know my name?" The girl looked at me with a smile before standing up and walking over to one of the counter,she turned around with something in her hand.It was my wallet.I raised my eyebrow at her,"Did you,take,anything?"

To this the blonde began to laugh loudly as she tossed my wallet back onto the counter and made her way back to a seat next to me."Oh god,you're hilarious! But no,I didnt,though if you somehow end up missing something just tell me and I'll yell at my friend."

Content with her answer I picked up my wrap again and finally took a bite, it felt like I had bitten into heaven,it was so good! I moaned as I continued to bite more and more.With a full mouth I turned to look at the blonde girl only to see her extending her neck to look through the kitchen window."What are you doing?"

"Hmm?" She smiled at me again,this time with her eyes closed,"I was checking to see if my friend was still standing outside or not."

To this I cocked my head to the side in confusion,"Why is she outside?" She was mid chewing her wrap as well so instead she raised her hand to her mouth with her fingers acting as if they were holding something.She then pulled away her hand and make a circle with her mouth."Is she drinking?"

To this the girl smiled again as she shook her head,she was obviously amused by my obliviousness.After swallowing her food she spoke,"My friend figured a ballerina such as yourself wouldn't have a home of any smokers,so to be kind she went outside to do that."

I had finished my wrap by this point so I grabbed onto my glance of orange juice and drank some, after setting down my glass I fully turned to face her."Are you the one who changed me last night?" To this she shool her head,"Did your friend do that?" She only shrugged.

After wiping her mouth with the back of her hand she gave me another answer,"I was called to come here by her at ,possibly two am? By that point you were already in bed and she was just sitting in the living room on her phone,she's probabaly the one who changed you."

I only nodded as I looked to face the kitchen window were I saw a nest of dark brown hair pinned up just moving back and forth every few seconds.I had almost spaced out when the blonde girl tapped my shoulder,"I should probably tell you what happened yesturday,"this peeked my curiosity and I unconciously leaned in."Don't freak out but you were almost..raped..yesturday."


"Hey I said not to freak out!" She stuck her tongue out at me as I continued to stare at her with wide eyes full of fear."Also,I said not to freak out cause nothing actually happened."

"What," I paused as I thought back to that kiss I wanted more of,my cheeks heated up at the thought",What do you mean nothing happened?"

She had begun to drink out of her glance full of water,she paused to answer me in hopes of easing my mind."My friend saw you being carried up stairs to the bedrooms,according to her you got lucky cause he couldn't get your pants off."

"Wait wait,"I paused her from continuing,"Did he kiss me?"

She shook her head without even having to think about it,"If theirs one thing I know about my boyfriend is he isn't much about kissing girls he isn't with.He'll fuck em but not kiss them,I never understood why."

I had been drinking orange juice again but once my ears caught the word boyfriend I slammed my glass down and spit it out in surprise,"Your boyfriend?!?!"

"Oh yeah,sorry about that,don't worry though my friend broke his jaw and accidentally broke his wrist,"I slowly nodded at her as I faced the kitchen window again.She must be really strong to have done that."Oh,I should probabaly go check on her and you should probabaly begin stretching,even if it's you're day off you should practice even if only a bit."

With that she ran out the front door and onto the porch,I didn't respond,instead I stared down at my lap as my hand slowly rose to my face until my finger tips grazed my lips.If that's the truth then,"Who did I kiss?"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2023 ⏰

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