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Amelie,the Fighter


Stupid americans,wasting this time with the people that cannot be trusted.The room was stuffed un heat because of the peoples warn bodies moving alk over the place,dancing in bundled groups.The alcohol had begun to take affect on the masses,the party had barrly begun and over a dozen girls and boys had attemoted to come onto me.I growled under my breath as I continued to glare at the millions of girls and boy who only portrayed the antics of animals during mating season.

"Amelie,you're starting to scare the poor little freshman.Stop glaring,"at my friends words I transfered my glares focus over to her only to find that she had begun to make out with another boy.

"HA! I wouldn't be zaying notin when your boyfriend is currently being cheated on by dis blonde bimbo,"she instantly pushed away the guy who fell on the floor in confusion.I glared at him causing him to terrifingly run away.My friend then looked over at me with her partially drunken face.

"I thought that was my boyfriend,"I rolled my eyes at her as she threw away whatever the hell she was drinking at someone knocked out on the floor.

"Shouldn't you be watching ze freshman an making sure they don get into trouble,"she only shrugged before getting up and walking into the kitchen."Ah oui,what a good friend you fucking bitch."

I layed my back against the wall as my hand came up to massage my forhead,a couple people had already passed out and the party wasn't even halfway over.Most of the freshman hung together in a protective manner as they were still new to this entire crowd.Why I et her convince me to come again? At this instant I watched a girl fall back into a man's arms.His friends laughed togather as the guy picked her up and headed towards the stairs.Ah,zis is why no? Fucking americanz.

I sighed as I watched what I believed to be my frinds boyfriend carry an unconcious girl,most likely a stupid freshman, up to the rooms to have some "fun".I crushed the can of beer I held in my hands before tossing it aggressively at a drunk boy who attempted to grope a girls chest."I guess I should help ze belle,and kick ze boys arse for cheating."I cracked my neck and knuckles as I made my way towards the stairs,"Finally,some fun in dis putrid event."

I had almost made it when a boy decided to grind against me,my glare darkened as I grabbed the boys chin,"Ahh let go let go!"

"Don't touch you stupid american,"I seethed as the boy writhed in pain,I clamed my hand down harder against his chin before dropping him onto the floor.

Let's hope ze freshman is still clothed by ze time I get der.I shrugged mentally as I slowly went up the stairs,every now and then punching men who were trying to take advantage of the unconcious women.I think I hate ze American woman the most now.Let's see I need to guess which room

"Ze belle was unconcious,ze man not strong,"I slowly turned to face the left hallway where the stairs stopped and made my way to the first door."Dis room it is."

I slowly opened the door to find the girl sprawled out on the bed,her shirt had been lifted up but the man seemed to be having trouble removing her pants."At least ze belle wore pants no?"

At my voice the guy turned around,"Amelie!"

"Zat is my name,jes."

He instantly stood up and pulled down the girls shirt,"It's not what it looks like,I swear.She just came onto me!"

I raised my eyebrow as I looked down at the girl who seemed to be staring up at the ceiling in confusion,her eyes were glossed over.He spiked ze belle's drink.Looking back over at him I sneared,"Get out,or does ze boy wish to fight."

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