Chapter 15

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-Yoongi's POV-

  "Y/n I'll ask you something later." I said with an evil grin on my face.  I was going to ask Y/n if she wanted to be my girlfriend. Yeah, I realized that I called her my girlfriend, but I never asked her to be my girlfriend yet. I thought that it would be cute if I asked her on the rooftop of the house. During the sunset. Plus, Y/n loves pictures so this picture will stay in her memories, forever. Yup, I'm just that cheesy!

Once she was finished exploring my studio, we went back out to where the rest  of the boys were. "Suga!!" I heard Jin yell from the living room, lucky that  we were already out, otherwise we couldn't hear you from the studio. "Yeahhh, I'm coming" I replied walking towards the living room. "Rop Monie wants you!" Jin said pointing to Rap Mon. 

"Yeah... You know that the comeback is only a few days away from now and you and Y/n need to finalize your relationship. Otherwise, the fans will go nuts if they see you out together." Rap Mon said as he scrolled through his phone. "Got it!" I said back smiling just a little.

Some time passed and Y/n and the boys were getting along. I checked outside to see if it was a good time to ask, and it was. The sky was so many shades of purple and blue. "Y/n, an you come with me for a sec/" I asked as my heart was ready to jump out of my chest. "Mhm" she said following me. I took her to the rooftop.

"Wow this is beautiful!" She said as she pulled out her phone and took a picture. "This will do I guess since I didn't bring my camera." She said as she looked at the picture that she had just taken. "Its alright I guess, not the best" She said looking disappointed.

"Don't worry beautiful, that's not why I brought you here..." I said blushing. "Then why did you bring me up here?" She asked looking down blushing. "Will you be my light, my flower, in The Most Beautiful Moment in Life" I asked her scratching my ear. "Your g-girlfriend??" She asked scratching her arms. "Yes! Y/n will you be my girlfriend?" I asked her. "Y-yes!" She exclaimed in happiness.

-Your POV-

"Yes! Y/n will you be my girlfriend?" Yoongi asked me. My heart pounded out of my chest. Even though I've known the boy for a while, he still makes it feel like the first time that we met. I live that about him. "Y-yes!" I exclaimed in happiness. I couldn't believe it!

"So, ready to head back down?" Yoongi asked as he placed his hand on mine. "Yus" I said holding his hand firmly. We headed back down into the house and I heard giggles from the living room. From none other than Nessa, Jimin, Mickey, and Namjoon.

"Yah, Jimin that tickles!" I heard Nessa say to Jimin chuckling. "Namjoonie, you just broke another pair of sunglasses!" Mickey said as she laughed at the destructive man next to her. "Well, I guess we should head in there. " I said as Yoongi and I both laughed a little. "HELLLLOOOO" Jimin said as his hyung walked into the room. "Why do you have so much energy today?" Yoongi said Jimin. "You pabo!" We all said in perfect unison. "NOOOO" Jimin said as he realized that we all just called him a fool. "Jimin..." "Yeah?" "You got no jams" Rap Mon said as we all started laughing hysterically. 

Jimin then pulled me over into the corridor. "Y/n I need your help..." Jimin said as we walked farther down the hall. "What?" I asked not understanding what he meant. "I need you to help me and the boys" He said. "Oh, for what?" I asked 

"You'll see" He said 

A/N: Okay so here's a shorter chapter for you all who like the shorter chapters. Sorry I didn't get to update yesterday my parents took me out then we went to the Kpop store and I bought 3 BTS posters and a BTS cup. Anyway that's off topic, but I J-Hope that you enjoyed this chapter! BYEEE


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