Chapter 13 - In Your Brown Eyes

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After we had returned to the Ranch, Jacob decided to give me a little tour, which was a great way to pass the time, since there were so many things to see on the farm. He showed me the stables and talked about all the animals with great enthusiasm. He knew so much about it and I loved to learn more about farm life. The horse stables were definitely my favorite. Jacob and his father were horse breeders, so they had more than twenty horses on their farm. They took care of them and trained them for competitions. As we were walking by the stables, I learned that they all had their own special personality, which was very entertaining.

'So, this one over here is Cinnamon,' Jacob said as he stroked a beautiful chestnut brown horse on its forehead. 'She's a very strong mare and makes beautiful babies. Then over here, we have our dark beauty, Cher.'

I giggled. 'You really named your horse after Cher?'

'Just look at her,' he said as he stopped in front of the next stable.

A dark, shiny horse turned her head around and came towards is with a nosey look in her eyes. I smiled. 'Yeah, she's definitely a Cher. So pretty.'

 He smiled proudly. 'Then moving on. Oh, I almost forgot. So, this one is empty, but you've already met the owner of this stable.'

'Rocky,' I figured.

'Yeah, well, you know what he's like. We'd better move on to the next one and that's...' He fell quiet for a moment. 'Lady Arabella.'

I looked into the square box and saw a beautiful white horse standing in it. She faced the wall and I knew right away that something had happened to her. It was heartbreaking to look at.

'What happened to her?'

'She uhm... she used to be my moms horse.' His eyes filled with sadness and I immediately regretted asking about it. 'She died in a car crash.'

'I'm so sorry,' I said. 'I shouldn't have asked that.'

'No, it's okay. It's been a long time. I learnt to live with it. Lady Arabella sadly enough didn't and I'm afraid she never will. You know, horses have a very special bond with their owners. Well, I can hardly refer to it as owner, because it's more like a friendship. A friendship that'll last a lifetime. Since my moms death, nobody has every ridden on Lady Arabella.'

I felt tears burning in my eyes. 'What was your moms name?'

'Rose,' he almost whispered and as he did, Lady Arabella turned around and came to have a look. She stood there, gazing at us for a moment and then reached out her head towards me. 

I looked at her, startled, and then slowly started to stroke her. 'It's alright, you poor thing. I'm sorry.'

I looked at Jacob, who seemed really surprised. 'What's wrong?'

He smiled. 'She hasn't done that in a while. She must really like you.'

I looked into her dark brown eyes. 'She just needs a little bit of love, that's all.'

Later at day, Jacob got a call of the garage. We sat next to each other on a bale of hay.

'It's probably going to take a while,' he said to me, after he'd hung up. 'The engine broke. But they are going to fix it as soon as possible.'

'How much time do you think they need?'

'I don't know, but probably more than a week, if you're lucky.'

'Well, fuck,' I said.

'Yeah. So, there are some hotels in Wickenburg. It's the closest town. No Four Seasons, but it's okay. I can also drop you of at the airport, if you really need to be somewhere.'

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