Best Friend's Brother

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• Y o u •

"Aaliyah, I don't know about this.." I looked down at the revealing bikini that hugged my body pretty snug.

"Oh, y/n. It's not bad." Her voice sounded from her closet. She dug around looking for something to wear.

"Well it looks pretty bad to me. Wearing something like this out in public would attract the wrong kind of attention." I turned to my side, examining my body in the full length mirror.

"You would wear it if Shawn was around."

I snapped my head towards her, giving her a playful glare.

Yeah, she's right. Well sort of. I like Shawn a lot. But I don't think I would be confident enough to show this amount of skin in his face. Or anyone else for that matter. I guess I'm what you would call "thick."

I never really liked my body. I had stretch marks on my thighs and bum.
It made me feel fat. And let's not for get Cellulite Sally!! (I think that came from white chicks//lol😂)

"Isn't he still on tour?" I asked, returning my attention back to my reflection.

"He's home. He just stayed in a hotel with his friends to celebrate his return home. That's the whole point of this beach party, and He's gonna be there so you have to look good." She finally came out of the closet with a cherry red one peace with cut outs on the side.

"What?" I turned back to her with my eyes as wide as saucers.

"Shawn is going to be there." She repeated nonchalantly.

"Aaliyah, I'm not wearing this around him. You know that." I walked into her master bathroom and started changing into my regular clothing.

"Y/n, why not? You're acting different. I miss the confident and adventurous girl I became bffs with." She wines dramatically.

"I'm fat." I say walking out of the bathroom.

Her face grew confused. "No you're not."

"Yes, I am. Don't lie. I eat like a pig, I barely exercise or stay active, I wear baggy clothes to hide it, and look at my face. I'm not so pleasing to look at up here either." Tears threatened to fall from my eyes but I blinked them away, without Aaliyah noticing.

She stood there quiet, staring at me.

She sees what I see.

"Wow, I never knew you hated yourself so much." She looked at me in disbelief.

I just stood there nodding my head.

She got up from her bed, walking up to me.

She grabbed my hand and positioned my body in front of the mirror.

"Now, look into the mirror, and tell yourself how you feel."

"Aaliyah this is stupid."

"Trust me, Y/n."

I sighed deeply.  "You're ugly, worthless, fat, stupid, and nobody likes you." I rushed out.

"Now take a deep breath." She tells me.

I did as she told me to and waited for her to continue. "Now I'm gonna tell you how I Feel about you, okay?"


"Y/n, you are my best friend. Matter of fact, scrap that. You are my SISTER. You are beautiful, inside and out. And I happen to live your dark complexion. It's full of life and warmth. Your lips are TO DIE FOR. I'd love to have facial features like you do. You aren't fat. I don't care what the damn weight scale says. I don't care what your BMI is, or your height. You shouldn't care either. Fuck everyone else's beauty standards. And fuck being pretty. Pretty is an empty word and lacks meaning. But beautiful is you. And the more you think that, the more you believe it. The world is yours. And stretch marks aren't even bad, in my opinion. I have them too.". She lifted her bathing suit a bit, showing me the marks on her hips and stomach.

"A lot of people get these. It's just a little weight gain. Which doesn't define your beauty." She brushed my tight curly locks behind my ears.

Tears began to slip from my eyes as I stared at myself in the mirror.  Am I really beautiful?

Yes, you are, Y/n.

I turned around to hug Aaliyah. I cried softly into her chest, thanking her for opening my eyes.

I got caught up in trying to be like other girls. And it did damage to me. But being yourself could make you more happy than you could imagine.

"Now go change into that bathing suit, unless you want something that's way more comfortable?" She asked.

"Something else please." I answered with a giggle.

"Gotcha!" She ran back to closet, discarding clothes everywhere as she dug around.

• S h a w n •

I pulled up to the parking lot outside of the beach. Aaliyah wanted to throw a beach party for me. But I told her that I didn't want to go unless Y/n was there.
And gladly, she didn't disappoint. Turning off the car, I spotted Y/n with Aaliyah playing volleyball. I smiled at the sight of her. I finally decided to hop out of my truck and greet them.

"Shawn!" Aaliyah jumped into my arms. I hugged her back and kissed her temple. "I've missed you, muffin." Her voice was muffled in my chest. We pulled away and my eyes fell on Y/n. She stood there smiling at me shyly and waved.

"Don't be shy, give me a hug." I told her. She looked surprised but came over to me anyway. I hugged her tightly, a little tighter than I hugged Aaliyah.

"How was the tour?" She pulled away.

"Amazing. The Mendes Army were very awesome and supporting. But I did get a little home sick for a while." She smiled.

"I wish I could have been to one of your shows." She stared at her feet.

"I thought you didn't wanna go." Aaliyah turned to Y/n. Her face turned red. "I did, but I'm not very social and I feel cramped in crowded areas. So I didn't go. But I'm starting to wish I went anyway." She rubbed the back of her neck with her hand awkwardly while biting her lip.

She always does that, but I think it's cute.

"Well, we can make up for that with a little fun! In case you two forgot, we got a party going on over here." Aaliyah pointed to the shore.

"Then let's go." I smiled and wrapped my arm around Y/n shoulder. Aaliyah wiggles her brows and we all walked back to the beach together.

I know it might be crappy, but I'm trying to get this out for y'all. I was supposed to publish this in September (it's now November the 10th) and I failed miserably.  But I hope you all like it. Let me know how you feel about my first ever imagine!


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