raining is toronto • part 1

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{yeah it's probably a lot of errors but i'm tired okay😊)

y/n sighed as she hung up her wet rain coat. it was yet another rainy day in Toronto. Her lonely apartment was cold and empty. empty as in just her living there alone. she dreaded walking into her apartment every single evening. she had no one to say "i'm home" to.

she walked over to her old sofa and sat down. her body sunk deeper and deeper into the sofa. she could feel the sadness really sit in, as she remembered the many times she would ball up on the sofa crying.

it's been like this for the past five years, when the love of her life was killed by the police. he did nothing wrong. he was innocent. but of course when you're black, you are guilty until proven innocent.

"jayden." she whispered to herself. hearing his name out of her own mouth caused her to feel that wrenching feeling in her throat and her eyes stinging. letting the tears fall, her heart shattered for the billionth time in five years.

she missed him crazy.

they took him from me.

she thought to herself over and over again until she heard a shallow knock. she looked up across the dark room to the window. she could see the silhouette of a person. it appeared to be a young woman. assuming that it was her sister, she lifted her self off of the sofa and padded over to the door.

she checked the peep hole to see her best friend, Hailey. she smiled softly and opened the door.

"heyyy!" Hailey jumped forward, embracing y/n.

"hey, hails." she responded, still smiling. they hugged in silence for a moment longer before pulling apart.

"come on in. I just got home." y/n led her friend into her home and switched on a light.

"wow, y/n this place looks amazing."

"thanks." she gushed at hailey's complement.

"you want a drink?" she asked.

"uh, yeah. water please." hailey response.

y/n squinted her brown eyes. "a water? really? you'd normally prefer anything with alcohol in it." she laughed as she walked into the kitchen and opened the fridge.

no answer. y/n scoffed playfully. "no, really. what do you want?"

she still didn't answer which concerned y/n.

she just grabbed two waters and made her way back to the living room. there she found Hailey crying. she dropped the waters and rushed to her side and embraced her.

"hey, what's wrong?" she asked.

"I miss my brother, y/n." Hailey cried into her hands.

"i know. I miss Jayden too."

the two girls spent the entire evening crying with each other and mourning. at around six in the morning they fell asleep in y/n's king sized bed watching the notebook.

y/n groaned in anger and frustration as her alarm clock finally sounded at 6:15 am.

"ugh, why the hell do you get up so early?" Hailey complained.

"work." y/n sighed.

"aww, i'm so sorry i didn't even think you would have work today. I shouldn't have stayed so late-"

"no, it's okay." she cut her off, "I enjoy your company Hails." she smiled.

Hailey smirked back. "you know, we should have a night out tomorrow. are you off?" She asked referring to y/n's work schedule.

"yeah, sure. what do you have in mind?"

"you'll see."


"Jesus." y/n let out a huge breath. it was currently 7pm and she was knee deep in paper work that she had to finish before Friday. Today was Thursday.
And that means she had a little over 24 hours to finish it. Which really want enough time, unless she worked on her day off.

Then she thought about Hailey. She's gonna be one upset bitch when she finds out that y/n couldn't make it. They had decided to attend a friend's "get together" in central toronto. Hailey persisted that they went because she wanted to introduce her to a long time friend. But the girl already knew what Hailey was planning.

For the past two or three years, Hailey has been trying to hook y/n up multiple guys and failed miserably. Mainly because all the guys that approached y/n were instantly scared off by her cold and stand off-ish demeanor.

It seemed weird that Hailey was the one trying to get y/n back out there, considering that she dated her brother before he was tragically killed in a shoot out.

she pondered on the idea of attending the so called get together while also focusing her attention on the ridiculous amount of paper work she was expected to file.

It was now 11pm when she noticed she was the only one still in the office. the entire room was dark except for the lamp that sat on her desk, and the hall light in the distance. Only sounds being heard was the typing on the keyboard along with the whistles and keys jangling in the hallway.

Damn, it's only the janitor and I. Is it really that late?

She stopped typing and leaned over in her desk, placing her head in her hands and rubbing her burning eyes. Her eyelids felt numb, like she couldn't blink.

"I need a drink."


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