He Dumps you (Part Two) EDIT

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•Y o u •

I stared at the ceiling fan that spins slowly. My eyes were dry and puffy from crying. I could no longer produce anymore tears. I can't believe that he really left. I just wanted to crawl into a deep, dark hole, and eat all my sorrows away.

No, y/n. You can't think like that.

But it still hurts so much. Enough to where I'm physically hurting. I sighed and slowly sat up in bed. I leaned my back against the head board. I wasn't looking in the mirror, but I predicted that I looked like complete shit.

I got out of bed and walked over to the bathroom, nearly tripping on a few items I threw around when I had my small tantrum, once he left.

I flicked on the light and looked in the mirror. Surprisingly, I didn't look as bad as I thought. All I had to do was shower and fix up my hair.

I ran a hot bath and slowly peeled my clothes off of my body. I had a photo shoot at 11am and I'm really not in the mood to be bothered by the bitches I worked with. Being a model isn't easy.

I might just call in and say I'm sick. Because halfway during the photo shoot, they will be able to tell that I'm not okay, thanks to the heavy bags that rested under my eyes.

After my long and relaxing bath, I wrapped a fluffy towel around my body and searched for something to wear.

*two months later*

"Y/n! Come on if you wanna make it to the show in time!" My irritating ass boyfriend scolded me. "I'm coming! Just give me a minute, Damn." I yelled down the stairs.

I heard him let out a sigh in frustration. "But baby, we don't have a minute. The doors close soon."

"Ugh! Fine." I surrendered. I grabbed my Prada bag that my best friend, Rihanna got me for my last birthday. I fixed my nude dress and made sure I didn't have any dirt smudges on my matching red bottoms.

I grabbed my expensive fur coat and snapped a picture in the full body mirror. I couldn't help but think to myself: How could Shawn ever leave a boss ass woman like me?

I smirked at myself and posted the pic on all of my social media accounts. Within seconds the likes and comments started rolling in like all the men in the street that I curve daily.

I moved as quickly as I could down the stairs in theses high ass heels.

Once I finally made it to the bottom, I tucked a few loose hairs behind my ear and sighed tiredly. My boyfriend, Toby extended his arm out for me to grab.

"It's 'bout damn time you finally got dressed." I rolled my eyes at his comment and we walked out of the mansion together.

Pulling up to the party, the paps and fans started circling around the limo. I appreciated the tented windows that concealed my identity. But we had to get inside the building sooner or later.

I hate being famous, especially because of the fucking paps that didn't wanna let a bitch breathe.

Anytime I'm out and about all I hear is:

"Y/n! Y/n!Y/n!"

"Y/n, what's the latest news you have for us about your love life?"

"How do you feel now about the break up?"

"Are you still single?"

"What's it like being dumped by the famous Shawn Mendes?"

"How do you feel about Shawn?"

"How do you feel about his new girlfriend?"

"How to you feel about their relationship?"

I was pulled out of my thoughts when I heard my door click open. I looked up at my bodyguard and smiled as he extended his hand out for me to take. I graciously complied and took his hand in mine.

He helped me out of the limo and closed the door back. A few more guards surrounded me to protect me from the paps as they guided my way.

My so called "boyfriend" had already made his way inside, without even looking back. He's such and asshole. I.Deserve.Better.

They why are you with him Y/n?

I honestly don't know...

Walking into the party, I forgot about my problems as the thumping music clouded my head.

I decided to just dance alone. "Shape of You." By Ed Sheeran played. I swayed my hips to the steady beat and sang along, hitting the notes perfectly.

It wasn't long before I felt two warm hands on my hips. I turned to see my bitch ass knight in shining armor.

"Get away from me." I growled at him.

"No, I wanna dance." He began to grind on me. "Aye, get the fuck before I beat your ass." I said with gritted teeth.

He ignored me.

"Hey! Leave her alone!"

We both turned our heads, locking eyes with....SHAWN?

"And who the fuck are you?" Toby asked with venom laced in his voice.

"Shawn Mendes." Shawn said before throwing a punch at his face. He stumbled back a bit, touching his lip. He discovered that he was bleeding.

I watched fearfully as Toby glared way Shawn. I'm a split second he lunches at Shawn. As he got close enough, Shawn grabbed his shoulders and threw him to the side in a swift motion.

Tony fell onto a table where a couple were enjoying their drinks. Everyone were now aware of what was gong on.

A knot in my stomach began to form as I felt everyone's eyes on me.

Did they blame me for this?

I didn't do anything.

Shawn flared at him, jaw clenched shut.

He turned to face me.

"Are you okay?" He asked.
I could feel the heat radiating off of his body as he got closer to me, placing his hand on my elbow gently.

"I miss you Shawn." I said.

He stared at me silently.

"I miss you too." He whispered pulling me in for a kiss.

The way he kissed me always made me feel some type of way. A way I can't explain. A feeling that I love. A feeling that was so familiar, but I never got bored of.



I'm sorry y'all but I seem to have a small problem. I have been having a bad case of writer's block so I've kind of been publishing and I'm publishing this book.


I hope you guys will understand and forgive me.

End of the year Exams have been kicking my ass for two weeks straight. But school has recently been let out so I will have much more time to write.

Well, sort of. I also have a job now—but because of my age I only work like 8 hours tops.

But anyways, happy pride month to my LGBTQ COMMUNITY FRIENDS🌈🎶‼️💙🌎

Love y'all!❤️


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