This hate

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"Tae~~" Juna called out to him as she stood outside.
Taehyung hid behind the sofa and pretended he wasn't home. He sat on the floor, his knees to his chest and arms around his legs. He had the intention of waiting till she left but she didn't.
The door opened somehow startling the hell out of Taehyung.
Juna stepped inside.
"Tae~ Let's go shopping."

'Never! I'll sneak behind the sofas and quietly escape out of the ho--' Taehyung hadn't even completed thinking his plan when he turned his face up to see Juna standing there staring at him.

"What are you doing down there?" She demanded.
"Ummm... Looking for my broken buttons..?"
"Broken buttons? How long has it been since you bought new clothes?"

"I don't remember."
"Get up. You're taking me shopping!"
"You can go yourself. You'r not a kid."
She glared at him.

"I mean sure. Lets go." He stood up immediately.
Juna walked to the door and Taehyung followed him.
"Why is your apartment so dirty again?"
"Again?" Taehyung looked around,"Ahhh... I guess it's been a while since sister came to clean up."
"Sister?" Juna looked at him confused, then sighed, smiled and kept walking.


"Why is it that you girls shop so much?!?!" Taehyung had a load of bags to carry which was making walking difficult.

"Because we girls think for other people too." She said as she walked in another store.
Taehyung sighed and followed her.
He sat on the chair, placing the bags on the floor.

"Why is she shopping for men clothes now??" He was dead tired.

'Please! Please! Please! Let this be the last shop!!!' Taehyung closed his eyes and prayed.
Juna glanced at him with a T-shirt in her hands.
She chuckled at his praying posture.

"Yes. I'll take this one." She handed the card and the shirt to the employee.

"Let's go Taehyung." Juna walked past him fishing out her phone. Taehyung took a deep breath and picked up all the bags but as he was about to exit the shop he bumped into someone.
"Ah! sorry." He apologised and looked up. The man infront of him looked familiar.

"Taehyung...? Kim Taehyung?" He said his name.
After a little thought Taehyung recognised him.
They hugged each other. Then Mark turned around and pointed at Juna who was busy on the phone with someone.
"That Juna?" He whistled,"She sure turned into a babe. Look at those curves."
His words seemed a bit annoying to Taehyung.
"So you two dating?"
"What the hell!!! No!!!" Taehyung flat out refused.
"You still hate her? Come on man. If you don't like her you should flat out tell her that. You'r a grown up man now. Don't let a girl boss you around. Especially the one you hate."


Taehyung and Juna arrived at his apartment.

"Tell me why you came back here?"
He said as he placed the bags on the sofa.
"Pretty sure you don't have any home made food left since 'sister' didn't come over for a while." She put on an apron and went in the kitchen.

He looked at her time and again and thought about the same thing again and again.

She was cutting vegetable infront of him. He just had to come out and say it but something kept stopping him.

"Ahh!!" Juna groaned in pain as she cut her finger.
Blood came rushing out of it. She looked at Taehyung who ignored her and looked away.

"Can I get a bandaid?" She asked with her finger under the tap.

"Get it yourself." Taehyungs reply was cold. Colder than he had ever been and Juna noticed his change in tone but she didn't get upset. Wrapping a tissue around her fingers she looked in the cabinets for the first aid kit and luckily found it in the second cabinet.


"Dinner's ready."
Taehyung didn't reply, he just kept staring at his phone.
"Do you want to eat now?"
Still no reply.
Juna put everything she made in lunch boxes and placed them on the table incase he wanted to eat now or if he wanted to refrigerate them.
She looked at her finger. The band aid was bloody. She peeled it off and dropped it on the table and took out another one to put around her cut.

"Pick that up." Taehyung was still busy looking at his phone.
she sighed and picked up the bloody bandage, throwing it in the bin she said, "Aren't you being a bit rude."
Taehyung finally looked up from his phone," Let's make this clear."
"I don't like you."
Taehyung stood up from his place and walked over to her.
"I never liked you. The fact that we're cousins is the only reason why I tolerated you."
"You... tolerated me?" Juna snorted.
"Yea." He glared at her. His voice was cold. Distant and hatefull.
Juna bit her lowerlip.
"You... hate me... even after all I did for you?"
Taehyung snorted
"What did you ever do for me? Bully me? Made all the kids around me hate me?? You were and are my worst nightmare."

Juna bit her lowerlip and raised her hand to slap him but Taehyung caught her by the wrist and slammed her against the wall.

Trying to control his anger he spoke in a heavy voice,
"Go. Don't ever bother me again."
He released her and turned around as Juna ran out of the house with wet cheeks.


Juna went back to Jina's place but only servants were there. She ran past all of them to her room.
Just as soon as she locked the door behind her. She slid against it and started crying.


Taehyung felt too uneasy about what he did. Maybe because he should have done it sooner.
He looked around the apartment and then took out his phone to call his sister.

"Ahh!! Noona?"
"Yes Tae?"
"When are you gonna come to my apartment to clean up again?"
"What do you mean? Haven't you been cleaning this entire time?"
"What no! Weren't you the whole who cleaned up the place."
"Tae... not even once did I come to your place."

Took me alot of time to write......
Let me know if you liked it

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