I Want You to Come Closer

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The next day, Shuuhei's mind had been completely emptied out of commitment towards work; his hands merely covered his face with the realization of what he'd done and especially with who. He discarded his glasses and placed them off to the side, his other hand running through his neat locks and pressing his bangs back.

Shuuhei let out a shivered breath with how lonely and lacking the laboratory seemed compared to when Mikuni was still there. Hatred built up within his throat and suffocated the brunette, vile frustration clouding his vision and making his glasses useless even without wearing them. He knew very well he'd lost his path and where he wanted to be. A light blush tinted his cheeks, whether it was out of anger or embarrassment, contrasting with the especially white attire he'd always worn.

One finger moved to brush against his bottom lip, remaining there for what seemed like awhile as he recalled the touch again and again. The room remained undisturbed until Tsurugi's loud presence found itself upon his clean flooring, light steps as the male twirled around the floor with the satisfying openness he'd found himself in. Fingers splayed out as he moved his arms in circular motions to finally dip before the lone brunette still caught in a daze, red cheeks remained and his hands only moved to cover his face further.

Tsurugi observed the individual with newly discovered curiosity, head tilting up as he breached Shuuhei's personal space and rested a hand atop of his. "Shuu-Chan, you seem different today~" He teased, irritating voice mimicking Mikuni's in terms of tone.

His mouth half opened in response as he let down his hands, only for Tsurugi's finger to mysteriously raise and shush the researcher from saying anything more.

"Was it Kuni-Chan?" He suddenly calmed his eccentric movements, eyes narrowing with a large grin as he watched for any strand movements. Shuuhei cracked and his expression flickered, taking a moment longer to return back to his normal state than usual. Tsurugi giggled and twirled around, satisfied with the answer he'd received.

"You're so young! You're so young~" The raven-haired man laughed, balancing on his tip toes while taking steps around. "I'm so jealous~~"

Those words caused the brunette to slam his hand against the counter and stand himself up.
"BE QUIET!" The sound of his raised voice made Tsurugi stop his movements immediately, head turned as his golden hues narrowed and focused on Shuuhei.

"So young.~"

"Don't speak with that tone." He bit out, shadow casting over his eyes as he turned his gaze downwards.

"Why wha-"
"Does it remind you of Kuni-Chan?"

His silence caused the Ace of C3 to take a few steps forward, figure practically towering over Shuuhei's frailty. Shuuhei had been staring at the ground rather than Tsurugi, but he couldn't deny that knowing that the male was there gave him at least some comfort within that vacant room. One of Tsurugi's arms raised and the ribbon wrapped around his wrist hung in front of the brunette, but the very thing that had caused him to lift his head was Tsurugi's fingers forcing his chin up.

"Ahh.~ I'm really jealous~" He gave a solemn smile, glossy eyes wanting what he would never have.

"That Kuni-Chan can make you like this." There was a long pause and Shuuhei thought that he'd died while standing with the deafening silence. Finally a moment where he wanted Tsurugi to continue talking.

"Hah... Sorry." He took each of Shuuhei's hands in his and gently rubbed the back of his knuckles with his thumb, forehead leaning against his shoulder as he swayed back and forth.

And for once, Shuuhei wanted to console him.

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