Why are you bothering me?

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White surroundings to match the attire of the prominent members of C3; cascading shadows which suddenly fell from the ceiling of the brunette's laboratory. The scene was none that Shuuhei hadn't accounted for, in fact, he was more used to the repetitive routine than anything else. A plastic tube was gently gripped by both his fingers, slight trembling from the digits as he merged the chemicals into a solution to create a lavenderish-blue mix of color.

A low sigh came from the male as he set his materials down, head turning off to the side to meet the gaze of the blond who'd just entered his experimenting chambers.

"Mikuni-senpai." He scowled, pressing both hands against the counter; fingers curled into his palm and his head hung low to glare down at his newly-created liquid. The addition of Mikuni's presence made the scientist hesitant with continuing his work, and just when he'd thought that he'd mustered the confidence to further his experiment, Mikuni's sing-song voice and mocking laughter interrupted him.

"What is it, Mikuni-senpai?" Shuuhei asked with the harshest tone he could muster, throat rasp with all the speaking he'd done previously, as well as all the coffee he'd drank beforehand. His irritation and impatience was obvious, fingertips drummed against the counter as the blond found himself a new seat upon the only chair that existed in the room; a neat spinning chair which had originally been pushed in at Shuuhei's desk, now occupied by a corrupt senior that drove the researcher crazy.

"If you're just going to bother me then leave-"


Shuuhei held his breath with Mikuni's tone of voice; the way he spoke made it seem as if he were making fun of what Shuuhei had called him ever since they'd first met in school. Why now of all times? The Alicein let out another laugh, feet pressing off the floor as he spun himself around. Beside him stood the Servamp who'd remained loyal to his side for as long as Shuuhei could remember, large seven foot tall vampire with bags upon bags upon bags stacked. He swayed back and forth on his feet, sleeves drooping off to the side with the confusion of where to place his arms. Mikuni merely leaned back into the chair, wrist raised to move a hand over his mouth as he yawned.

"Are you making fun of me?"

"Me? Make fun of you?" He exaggerated the words and said them dramatically, holding his beloved Abel up as he seemed to speak to it as if it were another human being.

"He's being foolish isn't he, Abel~?" Another laugh escaped, causing one of Shuuhei's eyes to twitch. His fingers crept upon the nearest object, tips connecting to the side of a glass container before it was suddenly whisked away from his grasp by a curious, tall shadow. Expression turning to one of a grimace with how close the vampire was, he felt himself unconsciously move away. Behind him suddenly appeared the blond, slender fingers pressing against the sides of Shuuhei's arms and causing him to stiffen. He held his breath with Mikuni's touch and didn't dare to turn and meet his gaze; the fear of being confronted with the devious expression he normally had steadily ate away at him. No movements were made incase he'd give away his state of mind; a blot of emotion raining down on plastic windows, melted crayons against glass with no hope of being washed away.

The young researcher felt sweat start to bead at the back of his neck, and Mikuni's sing-song voice rang out to hum his name closely.

"Shuuhei~" Fingers trailed up his arms before they firmly grasped at his shoulders, the bespectacled male held his position and Jeje's figure seemed to disappear into the shadows before reappearing as a snake to slither along the floor. Silent curses were muttered beneath his breath, and Shuuhei felt that he couldn't take it anymore with all the teasing his senior had decided to unleash on him for whatever reason on that day specifically. He immediately shook his hands off and turned around to confront him, hazel eyes narrowing in disgust while his voice rose.


"Am I only a senpai to you?"

Orbs widened in response to his inquiry, teeth grit together with the pride that Shuuhei had mistakenly read off his person.

"You were merely my upperclassman in-"

"I was." Mikuni responded immediately without allowing Shuuhei to finish his sentence; there was a taunting smile and a tilt of his hat before the Alicein proceeded forward, boots padding against the floor and forcing the C3 member into the opposite direction until his back collided with the wall.

"Are we just that? You and I."

The always prepared Shuuhei didn't have an answer to his question; he felt lost within Mikuni's gaze and his breath hitched, a lump in his throat was swallowed down and his lips suddenly felt dry, something which Mikuni had taken note of.

"Well?" He treated everything as if it was a game; the world in the palm of his hands, and Shuuhei couldn't deny that he was entranced by it.

"You're.." Cut off within a heartbeat, the blond pressed his lips against the others despite his stubborn refusal, hands firmly gripping at the wrists of the struggling individual for whatever reassurance he'd attempted to offer.

Shuuhei couldn't accept it, not at all, but his tightly clenched fists loosened to flat palms, fingers half bent as he eased into the other, eyes swirling with emotion that he hadn't known existed until then.

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