You're Going to Kill Me Before He Does

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Johannes was the one inside of Shuuhei's laboratory this time around and the brunette wasn't anywhere in sight. Loud hums came from the mad scientist as he spun here and there, picking up and dipping and placing down tubes and containers of chemicals left and right. Unlike Shuuhei, he labeled his liquids and experiments, though this itself wasn't a good thing because the one having to peel all the labels off in the end was the one and only brunette. The containers had white stickers, each having a name that didn't seem to pertain towards the contents at all. Izeru, Seperu, Kenda, Takutabahana. Names that would make any scientist who knew what he was doing writhe in pain with the jumbo of letters.

Right when Johannes was about to drop a greenish liquid into an aqua blue one, Shuuhei slammed open the door so harshly that it smacked against the wall and bounced back almost immediately; though the researcher was able to push the door out once more before it came back to hit him.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN HERE?!" He shouted, eyes scanning over the various colorful waters in the clear glasses. A migraine had itself forming and he hadn't even been in the room for three seconds. "YOU'VE COME AT THE PERFECT TIME! SETERO HOUZUKI-KUN!" Johannes said eccentrically, and before Shuuhei knew it, he was being forced forward from behind by his part-time coworker, slave to his experiments like he had never wanted to be. Too fast for his mind to process, he'd finally realized what was doing on and immediately grabbed for the edge of one of the long tables. "What are you doing?! You're not on the job today, you have no reason to be here!"

"Ahh.. blissful ignorance." The white-haired individual said with drawling solemnity, his glasses removed as a single tear sparkled in the light and he cleaned his frames off with a convenient fabric. This frustrated the brunette further, fingers clenched into fists as he tried to maintain his temper.

Nonchalantly placing them back on, he gave a wave to brush any concerns off. "Don't worry about it, Hayato Benizuki-kun, I can most definitely guarantee you that I'm on shift today. After all, I was requested by someone a bit problematic to make something." After saying that, he gave an extravagant spin and held his arm out to gesture towards Shuuhei. "And you're the guinea pig this time around since there's no one else and Mikuni refuses to step even a foot near me because of what I did to Viole! Isn't that great? Hazaki Tatoya-kun?!"

"None at all." Merely came the harsh reply, disgusted eyes and the sharp motion of readjusting sleeves being done. He knew Johannes better than others, and that simply wasn't due to his relationship to Mikuni; working in the same department got you stuck with distasteful people.

"If you're here for business, then finish it up and leave. You're disrupting the work environment, and the one who has to tear these labels off is me.  You do nothing but hinder me, and it brings me great difficulty to even breathe the same air as you. Now, 'Hazaki Tatoya' will begin his rightful shift, whether with or without you, Johannes."

Johannes smile was frozen in place, intrigue flickering in his eyes as if he took pride in Shuuhei's response.  A nearly inaudible chuckle was let out and Johannes' shoulders shook with the bubbling excitement within him.

"Hahaha... Shuuhei, do you know what task I was assigned to do today?" The tone he used caused concern to rise up within the brunette, but his disinterest within the subject overruled all. The mad scientist took note of his dull reaction and raised a small container with pinkish-green liquid, swirling its contents around to draw Shuuhei's attention to it.

Completely perplexed at this point, Shuuhei turned his head away and started walking off to another part of the lab whilst trying to pry his attention off. "That's none of my concern. Do what you have to then begone."

"Haha! Shuuhei... you're really as ignorant as Mikuni's said." He felt the need to break into laughter then and there, his discovery with Shuuhei's personality piqued him more than the task at hand and what he'd expected.

In a flash, Johannes had caught up, edge of the glass container pressed to Shuuhei's lips as he poured the liquid down forcibly. The chemical was bitter, but sweet as well as sour. Spices blended within his mouth both begging to be swallowed and also spit out right into that psycho's face. Out of impulse, he chose the latter, pushing Johannes away and shattering the glass as it fell to the ground, pink falling from Shuuhei's lips as he coughed it out.

"It's a love potion."

Johannes then said with a nonchalant grin, gaze fixated on the broken glass as Shuuhei swayed from side to side and then smacked his hand right against the wall for balance to raise his other hand and press against his head. There were no words from him because he felt that the next and only things he'd say would result in the tragic death of his pride. Even the temptation of wanting to curse at Johannes didn't force anything out.

"Mikuni didn't ask for this by the way." The mad scientist then said as he inched closer to Shuuhei, placing a tender hand against his back and smoothing it down the arch.

"I did it of my own free will. As a test of sorts, you see? Shuuhei Tsuyuki."

The brunette turned his gaze upwards to glance up at Johannes, legs losing strength as his fingers unconsciously curled into submission. He'd been focusing his gaze on his eyes, but before he knew it his hazel hues became glued to those soft lips, ingraining every motion into his mind, every word.

"You got my name right." His first sentence came out softly as if he were struggling and fighting against his very own self. His next words ruined it, making his white-haired companion nearly collapse to the floor laughing.

"Say it again."

"Hahaha! Shuuuuuuuuuuuheeeeeei!" His voice reverberated off the walls and he slammed a hand against the wall for support, feeling that the laughter would kill him off if he fell against the floor and banged his head.

"You're really interesting, you know?" He got out between his laughs, eyes softening on the younger's figure.

"Shut up."

Shuuhei pressed against Johannes' chest with his body, hand burning into his arm to ingrain its print upon his skin.

"Stop talking and kiss me."

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