Chapter 5

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"Hey, babe, can you hand me the Nutella?" I ask, a few nights later, when I can't reach it. I'm spending the night over at Jayson's with Allie and Clara, two of my friends from school. Even though he doesn't like Nutella he buys it and puts it on the top shelf. Then he picks me up so I can reach it.

"I know you only do that so you have an excuse to put your hands on me." I say after grabbing it and turning around, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Mmm, but you see... There's always the excuse that I just wanna put my hands on you anyway. It's an excuse enough for me." He pulls me in for a kiss and I smile.

"Y'all just go get a room. Jeeze." I hear my friends walk in and I look over to see them smiling.

"Ah don't be jealous that he loves me more than you." I laugh.

"Oh hell no. We definitely love you more than he ever will." The say in unison.

"Ok now that's just creepy." Jayson says, tying to hide a smile.

It's been a few weeks since I have had the boot off. It feels good, but every now and then it will cramp alittle. The doc said that it's normal. Jayson is still being his normal, overprotective, self.

"Allie, can you pass me the salt, please?" Clara asks as she puts her homemade fries on a plate.

"Here, babes." Allie passes it down and grabs herself a fry from Clara's plate.

"Why do girls call each other babe? Like, that just makes me jealous. I wanna be the only one that she calls babe." Jayson suddenly blurts.

"Bros before hoes, baby. Bros before hoes." I laugh when he frowns, confused.

"Nevermind." I lean up and kiss him again.

"Y'all, seriously. Go get a room there are like, what? 5 bedrooms in this house? Go pick one." Allie says while Clara gags.

"Don't be such a drama queen. Go in a different room if you don't like it." Jayson says, smirking. Then he leans back in a kisses me again and I hear then bolt from the room.

I smile against his lips, savoring this moment.

"You're so mean." I say against his mouth, earning a smile.

"But not to you. You know you love me." He chuckles.

"Aye, I do. Because you are the best." I kiss him on the nose. "boyfriend." I kiss his forehead. "in." His cheek. "The." His other cheek. "World." I then kiss him on the lips and he suppresses a groan.

"Babygirl, you're gonna kill me one day." He smirks. "What do you say we go up to my room?" His grin widens.

"Nice shoot, hotstuff, but we have people over." I laugh and grab the Nutella and a bag of Pretzels and head out to the living room with Jayson in tow.

"Cockblocker." I hear him mutter and I try really hard to act like I didn't hear it but I start laughing uncontrollably.

"Um... Is she ok?" I hear Claire ask as I am clutching my stomach from laughing so hard.

"Yep. Just alittle doozy, you know how she is." Jayson smirks from beside me and I lean in and kiss his cheek once I'm done laughing.

"I love you." I tell him.

"I love you too, babygirl." He pulls me down on the couch beside Claire while Allie is on the recliner.

"What are we watching?" I open the jar of Nutella and the bag of Pretzels and dig in.

"Sex and The City." Claire responds without looking up from her phone.

"Who are you texting?" I ask with a small smile.

"Someone." She shrugged and I saw a slight blush appear.

"Alrighty." I put my focus back on the movie and lean my head on Jayson's shoulder.

~An hour and a half later~

"Anna, baby, wake up." I feel someone whisper in my ear and I turn my face away and groan.

"Anna banana, wake up." Someone's lips touch my cheek but I just groan and cover my face with the blanket that was wrapped around me.

I hear someone chuckle and then hear people talking but I don't make out the words.

Next thing I know, I'm getting lifted into the air and carried bridal style.

"Where ya bringing me, stranger?" I mutter against the person chest as I snuggle into their warmth.

"I'm just bringing you up to my room, baby. It's ok, go back to sleep." He sets me down gently on the bed and I open my eyes to look into his.

"Stay with me, babe?" I yawn and reach out a hand to him.

"Always, princess, always." He lays in beside me and covers us up with a blanket before I drift off into sleep again with my head on his chest, and his arm around me protectively.


Don't hate me! Put the pitchforks down! I'm sorry for not updating!

I've been busy with writing Fearless but honestly, I'm having writers block with it. I just felt like I needed to do this. Btw I'm sorry for what most of you read, when I first wrote this chapter it was longer then what published but for some reason it cut out half of the chapter. And it was way different than this but I quite like this.

Question: Who do you think the guy that Claire was texting is?

Please don't forget to;

And follow me! I follow back!


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