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Epilogue(Tobias's POV)

"Are you ready?" I look down at my daughter, Natalie, who, at age fifteen is finally ready to experience the famous Dauntless zip line. She looks so much like Tris. Everytime I peer down into her eyes, those beautiful blue eyes I see the very same sparkle I see in my wife's. I see Tris in her laugh and in her smile; putting a little more light into this mysterious world.
"Then you're good to go. Your Mom and brother are waiting at the bottom. Don't forget to pull the brake." I smile down at her. "I love you."
"I love you too, Dad." And with that, she was gone, zipping through the sky like a bird.
Waiting at the bottom, stood Tris and Will, our son. Although today is the first time Natalie has rode the zip line, Will has been riding it since he was seven. He is seventeen now, and he still rides it every day. Although there are no factions left, we still like to keep the traditions alive.
Instead of factions we have cities, now. The idea of factions was eradicated the day we returned to the Dauntless compound. We didn't want to be just one thing. We wanted to be selfless, kind, intelligent, honest and brave. We didn't want to be separated by colors, and told which one way we should act. We didn't want to be divided. We wanted to be united.
Tris and I decided to start our new life where the Dauntless territory used to be. Will was born about eighteen months after we returned to the Dauntless Compound. Tris wanted to honor her friend and let his memory live on when she named our son. Natalie, our daughter was born two years later, and while her personality mirrors mine, she is an almost exact replica of her mother.
And so now, we try our best to teach our children to unite with each other as one. We try our best to teach them to be selfless, honest, kind, intelligent, and brave. The rest is up to them. How they want to become is their decision not ours. All that is left now is to live our lives. Live our lives as Four and Six.

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