chapter two

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Tegan's P.O.V.

When I saw Charlotte walk down to lake, I gathered up some courage to go and talk to her. I had liked her since sixth grade, the day she came into school with her hair in a braid, too-big band t-shirt on, and leggings. And my feelings grew  every time I saw her.

I moved my feet down the stairs, my messenger bag hanging off my shoulder, as I watched her stand in the water, a half smile on her face as she closed her eyes.

Beautiful, I thought. Just beautiful.

After taking my shoes off, and setting them on the sand beside my bag, I slowly stepped beside her, hoping that I would not scare her.

Breathe, Tegan, breathe, I repeated in my mind. I never noticed how breathtaking her beauty really was, mainly because I was usually at a distance. Never this close.

Her eyes opened, noticing me. "Is it okay for me to stand here?" I asked in a soft tone, wanting to be sensitive to her.

The response she gave me was a nod, and an easy smile.

I smiled back, then turned to look at the sun that was setting. We stood in comfortable silence, not saying anything, not moving, until Charlottle quietly said, "It's so beautiful."

Nodding in agreement, I glanced at her, and surprised myself, and her, by saying, "Yes, it is. But it has nothing on you."

A blush started on her cheeks, and she let a shy smile show. "Thanks," she mumbled quietly, and sat down on the sand, burying her toes, a quick breeze passing us.

I gently sat down beside her, smiling on the inside. Honestly, I never thought that I would get the chance to be so close to Charlotte, but I always knew that when it happened, it would comfortable and special.

As we sat, silence then took over us again. The sky had lost it's colors, now fading to a navy blue, and the stars shimmered above us, as if they were welcoming us.

Charlotte moved her hand, and I noticed she was doodling in the sand. What she was doodling, I did not know, but I knew it was going to be wonderful.

Opening my bag, I pulled out my phone, a Samsung, and checked the time. It was 8:15, and I wasn't sure how long I was staying, so I texted my mum, not wanting her to worry about me.

Mum, I am still at the lake. Be home late. Love you xx

A moment later, my phone buzzed. My mum had texted back, saying thank you for letting her know.

When I looked at Charlotte again, her drawing was finished.

She had drawn a flower, a rose, and it was as detailed as it could be; the petals were just right, and the stem finished it off perfect.

"That's quite beautiful," I whispered quietly, amazed at what she could in only a few minutes.

She jumped a bit, the green specks showing in her brown eyes as she looked at me. "Thanks," she mumbled, going to look down.

Gently, I tilted her head back up at me, "Don't look away. You're so beautiful."

Sighing deeply, she replied, "No, I'm not."

I shook my head at her. "Yes, you are. Cross my heart and hope to die," I said, doing the motions to each word, finishing "stick a thousand needles in my eye."

Charlotte laughed at me. "Ah, and there's that smile!"

The laughter died down after a minute, and she spoke. "Tegan?"

Surprised that she used my name, I looked at her, feeling the fuzzy feeling they talk about in the movies inside my stomach, concentrating on her and only her. "Yes?"

"Thank you."

Her hand was beside mine, and as I answered her, I began playing with her fingers. "For what, Charlotte?"

A smile played on her lips, and I wondered what I could have possibly done that caused her to thank me. Then she told me.

"For what?" she repeated, mocking me in a way that only she could pull off. "For the pictures, Tegan. For making me feel like I'm actually worth something. They mean more to me than you'll ever know."

The sun was officially gone now, and the only source of light were the stars and moon. The lake was more beautiful now than when we had sat down, a cool breeze was in the air, and all I could think was how beautiful she looked, her reflection in the water, the moon shining above us.  Everything was perfect.

With my bag beside me, I smiled to myself. "I'm glad... I still have a few more to give you, though."

Before she could say anything, I pulled out my polaroid and snapped a photo of her, giving it to her, then took another of us together, writing the date on it, and, because I wanted the one of us to be special, I wrote never forget with a small heart in my messy handwriting.

A soft gasp slipped out of her mouth, and a smile soon replaced it. She was hesitant for a second, then decided to wrap her arms around me in a hug. Hugging her back tightly, I whispered quietly into her hair, "Anything for you."

- - -

Love you xx

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